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17th of Gobu, 124 Year of the Tree

Letter to Hayley IV

by Luke Thomas

My dearest sister,
It is over between me and Lyra. I suppose I’ll need to find some kind of cleric to disband the marriage. A cleric of Spade seems appropriate somehow.
I’m sure you can guess how it all went wrong. But there were some things that I didn’t mention last time we met. I could say that they were small details that we just hadn’t had time to share, but the honest truth is that saying these things out loud would have meant that I would have had to stop and think about what I was doing.
I first noticed something strange back when we first headed back together from Dryhaven to Keralon.
We took the long way round, as we didn’t want the man who had ambushed us, the one called Kassian, to follow us. Although I was looking forward to seeing everyone again, neither of us were in a hurry to get back to Keralon.
We stopped at a few more small villages, most of them hadn’t seen a Knight patrol pass by in years. Some of them were desperate and greatly needed our help. And for all of the things that would go wrong later, I have to admit that Lyra and I made a great team. We took down all manner of bandits, monsters and villains. I like to believe we really made a difference during this time.
I didn’t notice it at the time, but whenever we helped people, Lyra would be quick to collect whatever reward they had offered. I always felt a bit guilty, as many of these people barely had anything. I think if I had been alone, I would have refused most of them. But Lyra convinced me that we needed to survive ourselves, and we should start building on our life together. We did manage to make enough gold so that we could stay in much nicer inns, and had three full meals every day.
There was also one strange occurrence that I didn’t question at the time. We had stopped in a small roadside inn, and helped them take out a pack of wolves that was eating their goats. We got a few gold coins as thanks, but as we were walking away I noticed that Lyra had a new necklace. When I asked her about it, she said that it had been part of the reward we had gotten. The thing is that I remember seeing that necklace around the neck of the innkeeper’s wife. The evening before, she had told me it held great sentimental value as it had belonged to her deceased daughter. It seemed like it held little actual value, so I wasn’t sure why they would have given it as a reward.
But even with the long way round, after passing by your village, we eventually got to Keralon. We met up there with several old friends and luckily managed to get through everything without too many incidents. We stayed away from the noble district, the Canalside district and the academy, just to be safe. I didn’t visit Cairn Fussil, as I didn’t want to confront Amarra just yet about my tutelage.
We had both decided that we didn’t want to stay too long and one night in the inn we heard the tale of the Heart of Gold. It was said to be a Fey gift to the Ravensong family that could show, and perhaps even grant, someone’s greatest desire. It was said to be lost in the Whitefang Ocean, after the ship that was carrying the head of the family went down with its crew. It had been thought lost for 50 years, but recently a piece of the ship’s wreckage had been found to the east of Zwartkeep. The family had put out a substantial reward for anyone who could find it.
This sounded like the perfect job for a divination wizard/adventurer, so this is why we left Keralon in such a hurry. We journeyed North and chartered a ship to help in our search. I also bought like a ton of water breathing potions (but spent them all in the search). We were of course not the only ones searching for the lost artifact, and had plenty of conflict with our rival treasure hunters.
But in the end, Lyra and I managed to find the Heart of Gold and bring it back to the Ravensong family. The reward was substantial, more than enough to set Lyra and I up for life. And they also arranged a grand banquet to celebrate the return of the item, which we were invited to.
I was already discussing my potential retirement plans with Lyra (I had just the day before spent a bit too long in the gut of giant squid - long story - I don’t want to talk about it), when we spotted none other than Kassian at the banquet, dressed as a noble. We alerted the guards, but they only said that they would keep an eye on him, he had an official invitation so they couldn't just kick him out.
Lyra suspected that he was there to steal the Heart of Gold, so we followed him. He noticed us, and we ended up fighting on the roof of the Ravensong mansion as a lightning storm raged. In the end, I was able to subdue Kassian with a few clever magical spells. I actually made sure to capture him so I could turn him over to the guards.
But when I did, Kassian pointed out to me that Lyra had disappeared. I was used to her tendency to pop in and out by then, so I didn’t immediately notice. Kassian just laughed at me and told me that she had probably stolen the Heart of Gold and pinned it on me, just like had happened to him. I argued that he was talking nonsense and that Lyra loved me. Kassian replied that he once thought the same before she betrayed him.
I sped away and was stunned to discover that he had been right, both Lyra and the Heart of Gold were gone. I chased after her immediately, but the quest for the artifact had spent most of my magic that day. It was like she had planned it on purpose. But she underestimated me and I managed to track her down a few hours later driving a stolen carriage away from the Ravenson mansion, with the Heart of Gold and a few other chosen items.
She was surprised, but quickly tried to take on a sweet voice. She started telling a story of the evils of the Ravensong family, how just like all nobles they had exploited their subjects. But the illusion was broken for me, and I refused to believe her, seeing her now for the person she truly was. When she asked how I found her, I explained that the magical weave that I had once (drunkenly) used to put together our wedding rings was easily enough for me to follow. Rain continued to pour around us as we stood there arguing in the middle of the road.
I would not let her leave with the Heart of Gold, but I gave her an ultimatum, throwing my bag of holding on the road with all my gold. Come back with me to return the items, or accept the payment in exchange for the items and I would return them on my own. I didn’t want to fight her, but I also wouldn’t let her leave.
She took the gold, and that was the last I ever saw of her.
I returned the artifact to the Ravensong family, and obviously I didn’t get a second reward for returning the same item (honestly not getting arrested might have been my reward). I left Kassian in their dungeon, but he hadn’t stolen anything, I am sure he’ll be out soon enough. On the one hand, I half expect him to come after me, on the other hand, he might recognize me as a kindred spirit now. Only time will tell.
I don’t know what I will do now. I am staying in an inn near Zwartkeep, and feeling honestly a bit wrecked after everything. I keep second guessing every single interaction I had with Lyra. Now that I know her for the liar and thief she is, I wonder if she ever even loved me. I am in no state to return to Keralon, as I wouldn’t be able to focus on any magical studies.
I might try to find some new adventures, after I find that Cleric.
One thing is for sure, I am done with women for a good long while.
Your loving brother,

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  16. Letter to Hayley IV
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