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4th of Lugh, Year 121 of the Tree

Rosebloom's Bookworm

by Luke Thomas

Dear diary,
The first evening of the caravan was chill, no big drama, just some good old R&R. Remember that fancy dude we saved during the day, Robert Talespinner? Turns out, he's a bard, a storyteller extraordinaire! He was bummed he missed Tarn's festival, but hey, at least he's on his way back to Hillfield. Apparently, the Reinards tried to shake him down before Gael showed up, demanding a "road toll" (aka, highway robbery). Luckily for him, Gael saved the day (and his wallet).
That evening, Robert regaled us with some tales by the fire. But then the caravan folks wanted music, but Robert says singing isn't his forte. Enter Alistan and Liliana, our resident rockstars! Alistan stumbled a bit on his violin during their song, but Liliana's voice swooped in and saved the day.
Best part of the evening? No guard duty for us! Onvyr said we had earned a break after our earlier heroics. Even Elsa and Edward are giving my friends some serious props (and hanging around our fire, which is, uh, cool). We also discovered that first night that apparently their fancy carriage seats fold out into comfy beds – talk about jealousy! Meanwhile we were stuck with our lumpy bedrolls, while they got to sleep in luxury. I learned later that Robert offered Gael a spot in his carriage, but guess what? The goofball refused! Guess he prefers the hard ground over some comfy sleep. Whatever floats his boat, I guess.
We awoke early the next day (with fingers crossed with less near-death experiences this time!). We packed up and got ready to roll towards Hillfield. Speaking of early risers, when I woke up, I noticed that Robert the bard was already buzzing around, and Gael, who seems to strangely only need like four hours of shut-eye, was puzzling over who knows what.
Alistan then went to check on Elsa and Edward, see if they wanted to join our cart again. Edward was all in, but Elsa was still catching some Z's. Turns out, Elsa's internal clock runs on "sleep till 10 or 11" mode. Hayley, my ever-helpful sister, volunteered to keep her company while she slumbered in the carriage. Honestly, I almost offered myself, but, you know, chivalry and all that, wouldn't be proper being alone with a sleeping noble girl and all.
Anyway, Hayley didn’t escape her guard duty while in the carriage, using her awesome raven to scout ahead. Speaking of scouting, the weather that second day was a total bummer. Thick fog, everything's damp, and we were basically getting soaked just by walking around. Thankfully, there was no wind, but still, not exactly a picnic.
To combat the chill, I whipped out some magic – prestidigitation to stay dry and some heated stones in the cart for extra comfort. Still, missing the company of both Hayley and Elsa, who were probably snug and warm in their fancy carriage behind us.
The forest felt Like, seriously off. Every time I looked at those dense trees, I got a creepy vibe, almost like dread. It was different from the first day, and it reminded me of all the scary stories about the Lorewood. Spooky monsters lurking in the shadows waiting to steal away unsuspecting children. Maybe it's just the fog messing with my head, but I can't shake this feeling of unease.
I heard later from Hayley that when Elsa finally woke up, she was startled to find Hayley chilling in the carriage with her. Turns out, the girl loves her sleep, like, 12 hours every night, ever since she was a kid. Wild, right? Instead of bringing her out towards the rest of us; Hayley apparently doubled down that there's not much else to do in the caravan while we're traveling in the forest anyway. So, Elsa decided to ditch our cart in the morning of the second day because of the weather (boo!) and opted for a board game marathon with Hayley. Sounds like a pretty chill alternative, not gonna lie.
Lunchtime came later than usual, and we pulled our cart and our loyal steed Thorin back to the main caravan. They had a huge bonfire going, trying to ward off the mist and keep everyone warm. The carriage was close by, door open, and we could see Elsa and Hayley totally engrossed in their game. I offered to dry Alistan and Liliana with a bit of magic (gotta love being knowing magic!), and before I knew it, the whole caravan was lining up for a quick dry-off session. Talk about being popular!
The mood, though, was kinda gloomy during lunch on the second day. The weather really had everyone down. Everyone scarfed down their food like it was going out of style, and before I could even blink, we were back on the road again.
Alright, diary, hold onto your hat because the next part is where things got magical! That afternoon, I finally got to join Elsa again in her luxurious carriage. Talk about an upgrade! She had wine and a whole stack of books lined up for the journey, all about fairies and mystical creatures of the Lorewood.
Reading while spending time with Elsa? As a self-proclaimed book-loving wizard, this is basically hitting the jackpot! Apparently, the books belonged to her mom and were a parting gift – two dozen of them filled with fantastical stories! Elsa's mom must have been seriously into this stuff. Even though they're all set in the Lorewood, everything feels fictional – no real people or places. Makes you wonder what inspired them, right?
As evening approached, the temperature shifted dramatically. Within half an hour, the chilly air gave way to comfortable warmth, even though the sun had set. We were entering a valley filled with blooming flowers – bizarre, but beautiful! The warmth was welcome, but the humidity remained high. Elsa shed her cloak and opened a window, but the air inside soon felt stuffy. Even the guards were ditching their heavy winter cloaks, their mood visibly improving.
Then, as we climbed a hill, the sight that greeted us was straight out of a fairytale. We entered a tiny hamlet nestled amidst blooming trees and houses adorned with rose bushes. There, atop another hill, stood a magnificent white castle with lead-lined windows, colorful roofs, and spindly towers. My jaw practically hit the floor! I have heard about this place, Rosebloom. It is built around warm water vents, and the valley has its own microclimate, with plants blooming year-round and making it famous for its beauty. I always imagined it sounded like a perfect spot for a romantic date.
As we reached Rosebloom, Onvyr announced we'd be spending the night. Turns out, he had already made a deal with Hector, a local merchant. Talk about efficiency! My friends were tasked with heading into the village, and Elsa and I, tired of the stuffy carriage and curious about the fairy-tale castle, decided to join them.
The village was buzzing with life! People hung clothes, kids played tag, barbers trimmed hair – everything happened right on the streets. It was like stepping into a living storybook. The first house, the biggest one, had a sign that read "Hector's Wares." Realizing that this was our destination, we parked our cart and ventured inside.
The place was a treasure trove! Shelves overflowing with supplies, tools, and knick-knacks lined the walls. A young girl (Anna as we learned later), startled by our arrival, scurried to the back, yelling for her grandfather. A moment later, a warm smile greeted us. It was Hector and he instantly recognized us as the travelers from Tarn.
After some greetings and explanations about Onvyr's arrangements (hay and supplies for the horses, a spot on the village outskirts for our caravan), we settled in for a chat. Hector seems like a friendly sort, and the village exuded a sense of peace and warmth that melts away the Lorewood's earlier creepiness. But hold on to your hat, diary, because all is definitely not as it seems in Rosebloom!
Hector led us across the street, to a communal barn packed full of supplies for our caravan. We loaded the cart with the ale and veggies Onvyr ordered for our caravan – poor Thorin, he'll be feeling that burden for a while! The villagers were curious, their eyes clinging to us like we were exotic birds. It seems strangers are rare in this secluded haven.
Suddenly, the air crackled with excitement. The villagers started making preparations to throw together a party to welcome our caravan! While the guards stuck to their duties and Onvyr whipped up dinner, Hector mingled with everyone, his smile as warm as the village itself. His granddaughter, Anna, sat apart from the others, a bookish air about her. The party coming together nicely, and I soon realised that this another chance to try to get a dance from Elsa, after I missed the opportunity during the Lightwatch Festival
Suddenly, I felt a tug on my sleeve. It was Anna, standing shyly before me. "You're weird," she blurted out, her voice barely a whisper. Startled, I looked up to see Liliana explaining. "She means because you like books too," she chuckled. Liliana had hoped to introduce her to Hayley; but my darling sister had decided to go off exploring on her own (I learned later that she had gone with Dadroz and Gael to the nearby castle), so Liliana had brought Anna to the second-best bookworm option - me. I blinked, then smiled warmly. "Well, I do enjoy a good read, but I wouldn't call that weird, would you?"
I turned around in an attempt to draw Elsa into the conversation with Anna, but that proved futile – the damn bard Robert had whisked her away for a dance (too slow as always, Luke!), leaving me alone with the shy girl and Liliana. Sighing internally, I sat down with Anna, attempting some small talk.
Asking about her favorite book, I braced myself for some fairy tale or children's adventure. Instead, she brought out a massive tome on theoretical arcane runes – a hefty subject even for seasoned scholars, let alone a twelve-year-old. The book belonged to her grandfather and she had taken a keen interest. To my further surprise, she pointed out a mistake in the book, one that I had to look over twice before confirming that she was indeed correct. Then, she had optimized several magical runes, showcasing a depth of understanding that left me impressed.
We talked for hours, delving into complex concepts and theoretical applications. While she might lack natural magical talent, her intellect and analytical mind were undeniable. She could probably excel as a wizard, with proper training and practice. Curiosity got the better of me, and I asked about her future. Did she dream of studying magic in Keralon? To my surprise, she expressed no desire to leave the village. Her family, she explained, consisted only of her grandfather. Her parents had passed away years ago, leaving only vague memories.
We spent the rest of the evening talking, our conversation flowing through books, magic, and her life in the secluded village. The longer we spoke, the more I saw a lonely intellect yearning for connection in the small girl. Maybe I saw a reflection of myself – a bookworm who, despite his friends, sometimes felt like an outsider.
While I spent most of the party engrossed in deep, arcane discussions with the brilliant Anna until her grandfather took her home for her bedtime (my chance with Elsa seemingly blown), the rest of the evening unfolded in interesting ways. Alistan indulged in the festivities, his laughter echoing through the night. He played music, drank, and even arm-wrestled the village guards, showcasing his impressive strength. But things took a turn when a grim-faced man named Anton, the Rosebloom's "best fighter," challenged Alistan to a competition. Alistan, confident in his abilities, easily won. However, suspicion arose, and accusations of cheating flew. Anton, playing both sides, manipulated the situation, and the villagers ultimately awarded him the victory. Alistan, frustrated but unwilling to escalate the situation, kept his anger simmering beneath the surface. Whispers revealed that Anton and his gang were known bullies, tolerated for their hunting prowess.
Adding another layer to the night, Hayley sent a late-evening message, informing me that they'd be spending the night at the castle. The news sparked a mix of curiosity and a pang of loneliness, but I pushed it aside, focusing on the present moment.
As the party dwindled and the night deepened, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease beneath the surface of Rosebloom's idyllic facade. The incident with Anton, the strange fairy tale castle that had captured my sister’s attention, and the far-too-intelligent-for-her-own-good Anna all hinted at something more complex than just an ordinary village.
Things got even weirder after we went to bed though. I dreamt about a boiling pool (perhaps the legendary Bloompool) and the smoke demons circling it. It felt so real. The warmth of the pool and the humidity seemed to invade my very being. Then, this icy chill crept up my back, and a mysterious woman's voice sang in Sylvan, leaving me totally clueless.
Waking up feeling like I'd just fallen into a magical washing machine, I discovered everyone else had the same dream. Talk about freaky! Dreams can be messages, right? So, naturally, I was freaking out, trying to decipher what this boiling pool business meant.
Before we could obsess over our collective nightmare, it was time to pack up and hit the road. Gael, Dadroz, and Hayley returned, and guess what? Gael had the same dream, but he understood the woman's song! He translated it for us: "“In shadows cast by twilight’s mourn, a town lies still, its fate forlorn. Whispers haunt its one dead street, where sorrow and despair entreat. Hollow windows, shattered panes, reflect the echoes of past refrains. Once bustling with life’s vibrant hum. Now silence reigns, a dirge begun." Creepy, right? Not exactly part of Rosebloom’s tourist brochure.
Suspicious, but with no time to investigate (gotta love deadlines!), I did a quick magic scan. Nothing suspicious, except for three magical auras emanating from some stuff Hector was carrying. Hmm, interesting.
Before we left, I saw Anna standing in the doorway, waving at Liliana and me. I waved back, feeling a pang of guilt. Maybe I could buy her some magic books in Keralon and ship them to Rosebloom? A small token for our bookworm bond.
And remember the comfortable warmth in the valley? Yeah, that vanished faster than my chances of scoring a date with Elsa (who had slept in again all morning...) the moment we left Rosebloom. Before long we were freezing again. It wasn’t until the afternoon that Elsa finally joined us again, warming my heart at least.
Speaking of marshmallows, tonight's gonna be a snoozefest! Onvyr decided it's our turn for guard duty, but guess who doesn't have to pull an all-nighter? Yours truly! Gael, the ever-so-chivalrous elf, volunteered for double duty, giving me the perfect excuse to recharge my magic (and get some much-needed shut-eye).
But guess what happened while I was dreaming of dragons and spells? Gael and Liliana, on their watch duty, saw a FREAKING GLOWING LIGHT in the woods! Turns out, it was an elf ghost lady (talk about creepy cool!), speaking Sylvan and calling them heroes. Apparently, she had something to show them, deeper in the forest, of course. Liliana, ever the thrill-seeker, was ready to follow like a lovesick puppy, but Gael, bless his cautious heart, held her back.
Things got tense. Ghost lady wouldn't reveal her name, just kept rambling about ruins and stuff. Liliana woke everyone up, practically bouncing with excitement. Hayley, the voice of reason , reminded us about guard duty and the dangers of night-time forest walks. Alistan argued for "adventure," while I, being me, was torn between the pretty ghost lady and the suspicious vibes.
Liliana, still obsessed with the ghost, almost went solo, but Alistan finally caved (probably picturing being lost with her in the woods). Gael and I, knowing this was probably a trap, tagged along to babysit and maybe, just maybe, see some cool ruins (gotta have my priorities straight, right?). Hayley stayed on watch, but sent her trusty raven to spy on us.
So we follow ghost lady number one into the creepy forest, and wouldn't you know it, there's a creepy abandoned house by a pond. Spooky vibes, anyone? Ghost lady starts zooming around a grave, and then BAM! Ghost lady number two emerges from the pond, looking all evil and ethereal. Turns out, she's got a major grudge against us and the other ghost. She started singing some creepy Sylvan song about jealous sisters and drowning, and poor Liliana suddenly felt like she was underwater, gasping for air! I tried to help with my magic, but this ghost was tough, like a magical brick wall.
Gael, the hero he is, fired his fancy new bow and arrow, hitting the target dead on. Liliana snapped out of it, but was still too shaken to fight back properly. The water spirit then tried to drown me too, but hey, magic ain't my only talent. I dodged her curse and blasted her with a spell, sending her ectoplasm bits flying back into the lake. Take that, you watery bully!
Liliana and Alistan, finally getting their bravery back, head to the first ghost lady. Turns out, she just wants to be buried with her hubby who's chilling in the grave. Kinda sad, actually. Liliana and Alistan, being the good guys they are, bury her bones, and poof! Ghost lady number one disappears, thanking them like a polite ghost should. Bonus points for them finding some gold coins in a nearby shack – score! We stumbled back to the caravan, exhausted but alive, and went to bed.
The fourth day started with a surprise snowball fight – Alistan, Liliana, and Edward turned into giggling kids pelting each other with snow. Elsa and I, being the mature ones, opted for some adorable mini-snow creature building. Imagine our tiny snowmen chilling in the cart, living their best frozen lives.
But then things got...weird. A haunting melody floated on the wind, carrying the same creepy vibes from that dream we all had. Elsa clung to me like a scared kitten, and even I felt a shiver down my spine. I tried to tap into my magic mojo, figure out what was coming. But before I could even complete the ritual, Hayley, ever the badass, jumped out of the cart and basically told any lurking spirits to get lost. Yup, that’s my sister.
Suddenly, a giant white wolf materialized from the snowstorm. Seriously, this thing was HUGE, with fur that looked like sculpted ice. The air crackled with hostility – it was clear we were unwelcome guests, and this wolf was the forest's bouncer, ready to throw us out. Panic mode activated! Dadroz and Gael tried to shoot arrows, but the cold had their hands shaking worse than a chihuahua in a blizzard - miss! Then, in a move that would make even the bravest knight wince, Edward charged forward, trying to shield us from the massive wolf. Seriously, dude, that was insane!
Hayley, ever the fearless one, launched a barrage of witchy curses, but the wolf just shrugged them off like they were snowflakes. Then, it roared and unleashed a blast of icy breath, zapping Dadroz, Alistan, and Gael with painful frostbite. Brrr! But this wasn't enough to stop our crew. Edward, in a burst of bravery, slashed the wolf, drawing red across its white fur. Even Elsa got in on the action, jumping off the cart and planting a kiss on Alistan's cheek, giving him a surge of courage (I’m not jealous - you are).
Liliana joined the fray, her sword finding purchase in the beast's flesh. Dadroz switched weapons, rapier flashing as he pierced the wolf's side. Meanwhile, Hayley unleashed a verbal assault the likes of which would make a dragon blush, calling the wolf a "failed walking bag of furs." Surprisingly, it worked! The wolf faltered, fear flickering in its eyes, and began to retreat. But we weren't letting it get away easily.
I sent tracking spells after the disappearing form, and a satisfying yelp echoed through the snow. We followed the sound and found the wolf lying dead, its reign of terror finally over. Turns out, it wasn't just any wolf, but a "winter wolf," infused with powerful cold magic. No wonder it was such a frosty foe!
As we examined the fallen beast, a sense of accomplishment mixed with relief washed over us. We weren't just scared travelers anymore; we were warriors who had faced a mythical creature and emerged victorious. Liliana and Gael even snagged some wolf teeth and claws as trophies (a little macabre, maybe, but hey, gotta remember the victory!).
Okay, diary, let's unpack that icy encounter and its aftermath! Alistan, all flustered and grateful, thanked Elsa for her "kiss of courage," claiming it "awakened something" in him (cue major eye-rolling from yours truly). Elsa, blushing hotter than a fireplace in winter, quickly clarified that it was just a magic trick she learned at a monastery last summer (yeah, right, girl!). Ugh, looks like my competition for Elsa's affections is back in full force.
Thankfully, the rest of the day was uneventful. We had our usual dinner, shared some stories around the campfire, and called it a night. But let's be real, the wolf fight was still buzzing in my head. Between that and my recent discovery of a twelve-year old girl that knew more about magic than I do, I realized I'd been slacking on my studies! Big time.
So, on the fifth day, while everyone else was off doing whatever, I decided to channel my inner bookworm and hit the magical textbooks. Turns out, all that studying paid off! I managed to work out two new spells – talk about a satisfying reward! Now, I just need to find some unsuspecting practice targets...
Speaking of targets, guess what? We're almost in Hillfield! I'm dying to see what this legendary city is all about. Maybe it'll have a library filled with spellbooks I haven't even dreamed of! Stay tuned, diary, because Hillfield is calling, and I'm ready to answer (with a magical flourish, of course).

Continue reading...

  1. A Festival of Foxes and Frolics
    30th of Dagda, Year 121, Era of the tree
  2. Elsa
  3. Adventure Ahead!
    1st of Lug, Year 121 of the Tree
  4. Rosebloom's Bookworm
    4th of Lugh, Year 121 of the Tree
  5. What to do when your hostess has a Secret Society Membership
    5th of Lugh, 121 Year of the Tree
  6. The most useful kind of magic
    6th of Lug, 121 Year of the Tree
  7. A Betrayal of Satyrs
    7th of Lugh, 121 Year of the Tree
  8. Maladies of the Mist
    8-11th of Lug, 121 Year of the Tree
  9. The Hunter
    11th of Lug, 121 Year of the Tree
  10. A Hidden Path to Logvale and Beyond
    12th of Lug, 121 Year of the Tree
  11. A Master of Fire
    13th of Lug, 121 Year of the Tree
  12. Too Many Goodbyes
    20th of Lug, 121 Year of the Tree
  13. Letter to Hayley I
    1st of Ogan, 122 Year of the Tree
  14. Letter to Hayley II
    3rd of Solstice, 122 Year of the Tree
  15. Letter to Hayley III
    24th of Edon, 123 Year of the Tree
  16. Letter to Hayley IV
    17th of Gobu, 124 Year of the Tree
  17. Letter to Hayley V
    7th of Daga, 125 Year of the Tree
  18. Letter to Hayley VI
    14th of Mannan, 125 Year of the Tree
  19. The Reunion
    14th of Mannan, 126 Year of the Tree
  20. The Emissaries of the Fenhunter
    15th of Mannan, 126 Year of the Tree
  21. The Fall of Cairn Fussil
    4th of Nuan, 126 Year of the Tree
  22. Festival Frenzy
    10th of Nuan, 126 Year of the Tree
  23. The Terror of Ravensfield
    13th of Nuan, 126 Year of the Tree
  24. Dragon Bones in the Dark
    15th of Nuan, 126 Year of the Tree
  25. The Determination of an Undead Kobold
    16th of Nuan, 126 Year of the Tree
  26. Battle at the Burning Village
    17th of Nuan, 126 Year of the Tree
  27. A Reminder to Take Action
    18th of Nuan, 126 Year of the Tree
  28. A Grand Ball of Intrigue
    20th of Nuan, 126 Year of the Tree
  29. The Search for Norgar
    20th of Nuan, 126 Year of the Tree
  30. Why you can never trust a bard
    20th of Nuan, 126 Year of the Tree
  31. A Royal Reward and a Challenge
    28th of Nuan, 126 Year of the Tree
  32. An apple a day...
    29th of Nuan, 126 Year of the Tree
  33. Dealing with the fey
    30th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree