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Thu 15th Jul 2021 04:50

Session Sixteen

by Therial Balhadur

Burnlund's march ends with him in jail and many killed and wounded by the guards for no apparent reason?
Word of Fruward "The Nail" in relation to the goings on, related to "Nine-Fingers" Keene. Lots of thinking on what to do... Imbralind Skoond seems like the likely culprit of the kicking off of the massacre.
Moss, Rose and Mr Big look around The Guild and find some flaming fist weapons stashed in crates ready to move.
I follow Skoond home and then wait around the back to see if anyone uses the back entrance, pondering how to burn my way in! They go quiet and when I open the door, an ambush! I blow fire into the basement and that's the last thing he sees...... DEAD, but revived at a cost by Vogonia, 4 days of weakness. and owing a 500gp diamond to Corrin.
The team goes to see Ravenguard, while a riot in the port begins! Rose calms things down and the city makes it thru with minimal loses!
Favel Blandt, Guild insider at the Fist, now dealt with. I give info to the Fist about the Guild activities. They intercept...
And High Hall blows up!!