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Thu 15th Jul 2021 01:07

Session Fourteen

by Therial Balhadur

Moss checks out the temple district for the insight from the Lady of Luck regarding the unfortunate happenings in the docks. He gets a good background on the Bahlspawn, the actions of the Duke (all the new laws were his pushing).
Need to talk regarding Ravek Shielder about that kidnapping, We get a pretty cold shoulder initially, but got more details. Had to drop money in the sewers, and had to pay a guild member to guide him.
We head to the Elfsong Tavern at night to try to meet with Jarred for more information. He also mentions they were surprised he made it on time. 4-5 people, but none familiar. Definitely a rough sort, outer city types, smelt of animals? Cut Frederik loose and shoved him at him, then left via the other side of the hill.
Tinker's Guild needs a talking to on Berlund's behalf, me and Moss volunteer to do that while he is bust in a different meeting. Jemorn Ironspark is a well burnt gnome, Moss knows her! I do NOT do a good job of convincing her as to why we came in his place. However Moss does a pretty good job, and gives us a lead to talk to the Sanitation Guild (Thalamra Vanthampur [Drains and Underways] or Haxilion Trood [Purser]) to get them on our side as well to help win over Ironspark.
A crowd has gathered around Sorcerous Sundries, two names are being talked about: Harali Avir (body found) and Aurayuan (owner of Blade and Stars). The Flaming Fist is trying to cordon the area.
We are summoned to Ravensguard's office for a mission. He wishes us to look into The Guild looking into Baldur's Mouth to send out coded messages! We put him onto Ironspark's family for protection, he mentioned that refuse is covering the bodies when they find them.
I pay a lamp-lad to dig up who may have old editions of the Mouth for me to peruse. But, Moss figure it out before me, and there is a meeting "above the sows foot" (Ham's Hock Butcher). Another fold of the paper gives us a potential passcode?
We head to the location. Waiting for Rose who goes in on the inside to get info. She shares the info on the Relsa's kidnapping plans they have, but that they may not be fully involved as a group in the murder/kidnappings.