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Thu 24th Jun 2021 04:55

Session Thirteen

by Therial Balhadur

Burnlund begins talking to the guilds to get support in his run for the seat. Moss the monk (m) helps at a local clinic to do medical stuff, recently made contact with Burnlund around supporting his campaign. Moss joins up to help a bit, cooks pretty good too!
More kidnappings, an Laura Alreven, like the a glassblower Alraner we met at a previous party. Like the Shadder kid, from the lower city (found strangled near harbor master's).
Laura Alreven's (wife) body found by the Elfsong Tavern later in the day. We head to talk to Korrin to get more information as he may know more about these people.
Random notes for high amounts were presented, but obscure methods of payment. Far too high and complex to be successfully made. Some managed to pull it off and those individual kidnapping victims were returned: Devlin Stodge (tailor, lower), Federick Croftner (silversmith, upper), Ravek Shielder (gallery, upper). We could possibly follow up on them.
Parliament of peers members, potentially could be targets?
Stodge: 900 GP, to be delivered to stranger in Brampton with more instructions, 30 minutes to get all the way over to Norchapel to an abandoned shop where the brutes took the money and gave back the kid.
Croftner: 120 PP, to be delivered to Tumbledown at a specific time but they used a retainer (Jarred, at the Elfsong at night) who directed them up Dusthawk hill to an encampment where the men were happy to get the money and shoved the kid back them them.
Burnlund keep campaigning.