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Thu 17th Jun 2021 04:40

Session Twelve

by Therial Balhadur

It appears that we were used once again, as kidnappings happened during the fire spree overnight. Burnlund is looking for way to get himself installed as a man of the people.
The alchemist says there is not way to trace the smoke powder materials per-se, they would need a secure spot, maybe underground, to stop the noise when things explode. Maybe the undercellars could be a good location to look into. In related thoughts, the lord's minion, Scoond was also in that area.
We set up some watches for Scoond to follow him to wherever he goes in the city after his shift. Ends up at the 3 Old Kegs Pub. He obviously caught on, and later he makes way for the Gate to the Steeps to head home.
We spend a week researching, working and Bernlund meeting people.