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Thu 5th Aug 2021 04:21

Session Seventeen

by Therial Balhadur

We rush to figure out what just blew up the High Hall! I kick the Flaming Fist leadership into action while he stood stunned.
All the windows on the while side of the city are broken; dazed and confused survivors and masses of people flooding into the area. Half of the High Hall is missing, the half where the parliament of peers meets.
2/3s of the peers are likely dead now. Only 1/3 remains to govern. A light lockdown of the remaining people are put under guard. A week into the aftermath a proclamation goes out stating that "all the factions need to come together and let the wounds heal". This earns Burnlund's freedom at least.
There will be a big Feast of the Moon in about a month and a half. To celebrate and come together for 3 days.
We meet to discuss the dead, who might have interest in this outcome, and the ongoing chaos. From a list later obtained, most kidnappings earlier here not related to the council, just wealthy and famous. In the explosion there was no main focus to the explosion, neither friend nor foes over represented.
Rilsa, of The Guild, has gone to ground and Keen has taken over general control now. Like the sanitation workers are now back to work under Keen's direction?
I fill in Ravenguard on all the knowledge and suspicions we have collected thus far. We wish each other luck in the coming events, and he will post guards to the sewers under the Wide for the event.