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Thu 13th May 2021 04:49

Session Nine

by Therial Balhadur

Guards try to stop us, but with some snobbery and tense bluffing we make it past their gaze. We enter the Korin estate. Korin is singing up front, Lady Veconia waiting nearby.
We learn that "The Slayer" was the strange beast, an avatar of Baal, during the fight in The Wide. The Baalspawn seem to be killing each other. Abdel was one of them, the thing to kill him (Viekang) was one too. Korin suggests that we go talk to Harbormaster Namorran about the harbor manifest, figure out how is getting the ingredients for the smoke powder. Also The Watch are exceeding their write by kicking in doors in the lower city, out of their jurisdiction.
Lady Keene shows up at the party; Korin's eye go wide. She was let got, as the patriars know what is best for them. I overheard patriars are annoyed at the luxury taxes. Dueling laws will be rolled back to founding times, with mixed reactions. The lockout affects local businesses, loss of workforce, lack of shoppers.
We make our way thru the sewers to get out of the upper city. Rose breaks into the Harbormaster's office to get a look at the manifest. Mr Big notes that normal shipments of dragon dung, salt of yolk, and charcoal. Some larger shipments were logged to be delivered to H. Cope, care of Felogyr's Fireworks. Afery Sonshal may know more than he says? We need to follow up.
On our way home we see Imbralym Skoond trying to be lowkey and Rose follows after him. He stinks and is caked in mud. May have been in the sewer. He enters a manor in Bloomridge. "Seskergates" merchant family's house, up for sale in the last 2 years due to the death of the last Seskergates family member. We try to track his origin in parallel. He did in fact come from the sewers; but we lose the trail under the upper city somewhere.
We hit up a bathhouse to clean the sewer off of us. We then talk to Afery Sonshal, who seems to have no actual info on the shipments. He says we should check to see where the shipments went from a dockhand.