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Mon 6th Jul 2020 12:55

Level 3 - The Rest

by Pietr Felborn

It's been a long while and a busy time. My journal is past due updating.
The temple was a major revelation on a number of points for us all, and Tharix decided to remain in the temple to restore it to glory.
As we moved through this level, many House Avandar drow were encountered, including their priestess leader who was conducting foul experiments hatching spiders. We have since cleared the level of drow presence. We explored all along the underground river, discovering several hidden secrets like a long lost elven throne, and a trio of hags, and found our way into Skullport.
We did not, however, beat Xanathar there and he had firmed up his grip on the city. We did quick business and slid out before our presence was noticed via a Harper contact through Rhys. We returned to Waterdeep and informed our various handlers of the discoveries. The elves were grateful of the discovery of the Throne.
Upon returning below, the remainder of the drow had largely cleared out which ingratiated us with Azrok's clan of hobgoblins. We were invited in to meet with them and we exposed an illithid's attempts to infiltrate the group. While again not my first choice in allies, I rule these no worse than Zhentarim's.
I noted Azrok wore a finger on a chain around his neck, which upon discussion I discovered it belonged to Kressando Rosznar, whom he killed for crossing him in a deal involving a slave trade scheme. Esvele will be disappointed with the news, but frankly, human trafficking is foul and good riddance.
I awoke in the morning with an odd mark on my chest over my heart. This mark speaks to me in whispers of infernal and it worries me. I can sense new powers within me and feel stronger but what can it mean. Grandmother was not home still when I called, but I feel that a long discussion with her may reveal many things that may make things clearer. We move on now however, to the fourth level.
Our initial foray into the level lead us to encountering a Ettin who, according to Rhys, was quite well mannered. Unfortunately, none of us could communicate with it. The next was a green slaad who is an alchemist. The slaad offered to make us a potion to communicate with the ettin if IT drank the potion, and so we collected some mushrooms and got one made.
After chatting with the Ettin and giving it a gemstone for passage, we learned of spider people to the east. Lizardfolk and Fish people in the middle, and the water in the river has begun to taste bad.