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Mon 20th Jul 2020 12:30

Level 4 - The Delve Continues

by Pietr Felborn

Our first steps further into the level led to an encounter with some tendril'ly rock thing, but it did not prove much trouble after Rhys knocked it out with some magic. Beyond that were drow. So many drow.
There were drow anyways... They had a decent stockpile of supplies set aside for us. Melith and Thirza were the leaders and we apparently caught them unawares of what had happened to their counterpart a level above. Melith recognized Bronzen's Hammer of the Envoy, and as it was granted by House Avendar, the attitudes changed and a temporary truce has been reached. The drow control the gateway between here and level 2.
Bronzen brought word that the clerics of Dumathoin and the Lords Alliance wish to re-occupy the temple on level 3. On top of that, the events around Baldurs Gate and Avernus is creating a refugee problem which they're hoping to use to house the refugees. We headed back to the surface to dissuade them of that idea. We ended up at a council meeting of the masked lords, where Espy made a good case.
We checked in on Grandma and while the family still has not yet come home, Bronzen cast a divination spell and we learned they were in Silverymoon. My questions must wait.