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Mon 30th Mar 2020 01:13

Level 3 - The Temple of Bentaxa

by Pietr Felborn

After our rest, we were joined by Tharix and a newcomer wizard named Andras from the Feywild apparently. We made our way to the Temple we bypassed earlier, given Tharix's interests.
Upon approaching the temple which appeared to be in a cave of fossilized bone, we reached a bronze door. As Tharix approached the door, a figure fell out of the actual door, chained to it by what Rhys called the black mirror of Shar. Some sort of fel connection passed between the figure and Tharix and then he started gibbering about Bentaxa needing his help. He says the doorway is a portal to an extra dimensional space. He tossed his bag of holding to Espy and dashed through.
We, of course, dropped our bags and followed through as we are want to do. The chamber was oddly shadowed and cold. It was also occupied by an foul priestess of Shar who summoned a ungodly number of Shadows to attack us. Seeing us rapidly being overwhelmed, I hoped the Shadows would react poorly to a burst of daylight. The flash was effective and the shadows dissolved and the priestess was on the run.
I stepped up as she tried to flee and smote her with my fury and she crumpled like a paper statue. Bronzen and Espy meanwhile had ran to aid Andras who had fallen, then deal with the shadowy assassin cowering in the fireplace trying to get out of the sunlight. It died cowering in fear, as was proper.
Tharix was then able to explain his reasoning for dragging into this. We need to recover three pieces of his Patron Bentaxa, the first of which was on the priestess we just killed.
We entered the room to the north after a short rest so that some of us could literally regain our strength and Bronzen had some sort of divine ecstasy. He apparently now is also on holy mission.
The next room we entered appeared to be a sanctum of sorts, under some sort of illusion with statues of some various god. Tharix approached a book and it started to destroy itself, and then we all heard in our mind tasks us to sever 'Soul Chains' to destroy this shadow temple. While searching through various sections of the sanctum, Espy found another piece of Bentaxa.