“Maman? What did you think when you gave birth to me? Was there ever a time where I was… something more than a piece on your chessboard?” she asks aloud. “Did I ever make you happy?”
Mae lay on her bed, staring up at the canopy with a blank expression. “I hate this. I want to know… how to be a parent, a mother, but all I can think of is how empty you made me feel… and how I never want any child to feel like that. But, if I’m as clueless of how to make a child feel loved as you were…”
She rolls over, grabbing a pillow and hugging it to herself. “Why did you have to hurt me like this? Why can’t I just… forget you? The only reason I wish you weren’t dead was so I could get some gods-damned answers for all this!” She sobs into her pillow.
Everyone was trying to reassure her. Sareena. Victor. Muse. Nel. But when she laid her head down at night, her mind turned back to these thoughts. Back to the idea that she was her mother’s daughter. The newest runaway nobles didn’t help. They reminded her that for all their infuriating behaviour she was just as bad. No, she was probably worse.
“I need to move.” Her muffled voice said into the bedding before she finally dragged herself to her feet. It was the dead of night as she moved around her dark room, getting dressed in her dark coat, hood, and thiefwear. She closed her balcony door behind her and slipped over the railing and was gone.