Hayitese Mountains

Hayitese Mountains


The Hayitese Mountains divide the continent of Rigda, separating the Pakhrani Dessert from the northern half of the continent. The steep rocky peaks are mineral rich, but treacherous and difficult to pass. Pilgrim's Ascent is one of the few known navigable passes up the escarpment.

The mountain range is comprised primarily of granite, with layers of marble exposed, particularly along the northwestern side of the range. The mineral wealth of the Hayitese is vast, but difficult to access and exploit. Many have made their way into through the jagged terrain hoping to strike it rich, only to fall prey to predators, inclimate weather, or unexpectedly learning to fly moments before they realize how wrong they were about the complications of flight. Those that live in or around Pilgrim's Ascent are known for lending a helping hand to adventurers, but are not in the habit of rescuing reckless fools from the plights brought on by their foolish greed, and they make no bones about it.

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