Section 1: Forward in Phrelle | World Anvil
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Section 1: Forward

1.1 Origin   1.2 Server Purpose   1.3 Server Rules  

1.1 Origin

  This server was created on May 4th, 2016 as a Roleplay server for a stream which we have long been disconnected from. Over the course of time, we have shaped into an inclusive community which not only provides twenty-four seven roleplay games but a sense of true community.  

1.2 Server Purpose

  The purpose of this server is to share in an experience of various tabletop games, video games, and grow as a community. It was founded from the ashes of a group of friends who wanted to keep their adventures going while others wish them to end.  

1.3 Server Mission

  The Mission of this server comes in # parts. First is the mission to provide a safe and fun space to play in for the members of the server. Second is the mission to create, grow, and expand as friends, gamers, and personal growth. The third is the mission to provide, teach, and refine storytelling as both players and creators. Fourth is the mission to provide, teach, and refine skills in both tabletop and video gaming.

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