Section 6: Roleplay Rules in Phrelle | World Anvil
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Section 6: Roleplay Rules

6.1 Character Slots   6.2 Scenes   6.3 Discomfort   6.4 Metagaming  

6.1 Character Slots

  Character Slots are the ability to play multiple characters across our games. This section might be updated in the future and look for notes and edits. All players with "New Roleplayer" have access to one character slot for Phrelle and one for Renascentia. Upon becoming what we call a "Citizen" or conversely graduating from "New Roleplayer" you gain a second character slot to Phrelle. If you choose to play in only one game you do not gain any additional slots to the other game. Additional slots are available and purchasable through Patreon, check Section 8: Patreon   

6.2 Scenes

  Scenes come in a number of various styles and flavors this means that there are various restrictions upon different types. As a rule, there should be a soft PG-13 style rating upon most scenes handled in general roleplay. Scenes depicting Suicide, Sexual Actions, Graphic Disfiguration are hardline banned from general roleplay.   6.2.1 PG-13   When we were creating these rules and policies I thought it would be wise to outline what the general PG-13 guidelines are Coarse Language      Generally, words such as "shit" or "bitch" are allowed in most PG-13 standards. Generally, swear words such as ||Fuck|| or ||Asshole|| are allowed in sparing usages, they shouldn't be part of most of your dialogues in open roleplay. Words like Bastard are more allowed because of its actual definition. Words such as ||Cunt|| or ||Fag|| should never be uttered on the roleplay. Sexual Content      This all comes down to how suggestive it is in the end. While we have a 16+ age limit many of us have fun with double entendre. A non-descript bare butt being glimpsed or topless nudity is allowed in certain rooms depending on those around. No acts should ever be roleplayed in public discourse. Violence      This is where we are more acceptable when it comes to Blood, Physical, Magical, and Gun Violence. Obviously, with our shared storytelling warnings to violent scenes are in effect. Generally, most descriptions which are not overly focused on the gore aspect are allowed should no organs be spilling out or Self-harm being overly descriptive.   6.2.2 Public Scenes   A public scene is an event which generally is easily crossable in most rooms. Such examples are the Tavern, Square, Guildhall which always host open public scenes. If you invite openly people to travel to a different room that the scene is taken to be open by everyone on the server. Public Scenes mean that anyone can come in and join the roleplay, which might mean something may occur which breaks the narrative. For more information on how to approach Public Scenes to see Section 7: Roleplay Etiquette    6.2.3 Private Scenes   A Private Scene is an event which generally occurs between two or more characters in a channel which is not previously determined as a public space. Private scenes have boundaries and should not be entered without the permission of those in the scene. The most common example of this is an adventure room in use. For ways to need to use the room and dealing with private scenes please see Section 7: Roleplay Etiquette Adventure Rooms      There are multiple adventure rooms, many of which are used for various activities. While we always allow private scenes to happen across the various rooms, you should only be trying these rooms up while the parties are there to roleplay actively. If you need to break from a room please denote the end of a scene and reopen it once you are all available again.   6.2.4 Restricted Scenes   As noted earlier any scenes which depict Suicide are strictly banned from the server-side of Roleplay. With additions to this would be scenes containing sexual actions, graphic violence, graphic gore, etc. If you have any questions about a scene you are unsure of please contact a moderator prior to starting it.   6.2.5 Direct Message Scenes (NSFW)   As we have stated scenes which are part of the Restricted label are not allowed to happen on the server. This opens them up still to be played out by willing and comfortable participants. If you and roleplayer(s) would like to touch on one of these scenes in direct messages that is those players responsibility. While these scenes happen off the discord channel but still maintain our player base if something is done without consent to the characters of our server we reserve the right to take action against those involved.   6.2.6 Hidden Scenes   At times you may want to hide a scene from the general populace which is meant to further a story from character to character. This is a process in which we create a hidden scene, to stop people from metagaming against an action, opinion, or plan a character may be creating. This process is completely allowed here. If you wish to hide a scene which might provide furthering of information which the moderators may question about meta-gaming please contact a moderator so that we might be understanding of what transpires.   6.2.7 Entering or Joining   Any time you are entering or joining a scene which is happening you should always wait a minute prior to posting so that people involved may get their post finished prior to posting. There are different processes per type of scene outlined below. Public Scene      When joining a public room prior to posting that you are entering the room take a minute to see what the current topic and room is like. Once you have done this enter the room and start to your location, make sure to allow others a minute to post prior to joining in the conversation. Private Scene      If a pair of people or group of people are taking part in a private scene you first need permission from those involved. Once you have permission make sure you know what the purpose of the scene is and then enter. If you come across a scene in an open room which there are numerous people in roleplay make sure you direct message them and follow the above procedure. For instances where there are conflicts please see Section 7.  

6.3 Discomfort

  Many times people have different levels of acceptable themes, conversations, or personal boundaries. While a scene can be agreed upon at first things might change and cause one or both parties to be uncomfortable with the scene. Sometimes these scenes happen in general roleplay or indirect messages. We have a three-step process to attempt to resolve these instances.   6.3.1 Initial Step   Upon the feeling of discomfort, the first step is to direct message the other member(s) of the scene. Open a dialogue about how and why you are uncomfortable.   6.3.2 Second Step   If upon the direct message no resolution or change happens to the scene our next step is for your character to leave the scene itself. Walk away and attempt to put distance between you and the scene.   6.3.3 Third Step   If the attempt to talk and then subsequentially leave the scene both fail the next point is to directly message a moderator for the server. At this point, you should screenshot the conversation as we can see that you attempted to leave the scene. This gives us everything we need to show each and every attempt to the other roleplayer.   6.3.4 Disclaimer   Not every situation where people feel discomfort is some server punishment as some are teachable moments. Malice behind actions is something we look for. On the other side of this, your character actions have consequences. This is not to be used as a weapon against those consequences of your actions.  

6.4 Metagaming

  Often people in the TTRPG community refer to metagaming as a dirty word in which should always be punished. Metagaming is the use of any information which a character does not possess but a player does.   6.4.1 Positive Metagaming   Instances of positive metagaming generally occur when you are playing to give someone else the "spotlight". If I know a character background was spent in a library out of character it might be wise for me to help bring a less likely person to speak up to get involved. It may be asking a question about if anyone does something specific to give people the opportunity to shine.   6.4.2 Negative Metagaming   The most common occurrence of metagaming is negative metagaming. People who intentionally use the information to further their characters, looking up a monsters stat blocks to try and counter abilities or resistances/immunities, looking up conditions or spells to know the effects, etc.

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