Section 5: Server Etiquette in Phrelle | World Anvil
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Section 5: Server Etiquette

5.1 Open, Safe, Honest     5.2 Mutual Respect     5.3 Spoiler Tag     5.4 Spoilers (Movies & Show)     5.5 Artists     5.6 Voice Channels     5.7 Tags & Notifications     5.8 Non-Roleplay Ranks      

5.1 Open, Safe, Honest

  We always want to maintain an open, safe and honest environment. This is broken down into the three ideas behind it. Open, the server is a place for everyone regardless of race, gender, identity, or belief. Safe, members should always feel safe when talking with other community members. Safe means that no one is outright attacking your race, gender, or identity (This does not, however, mean that if they disagree with one such attribute they are compelled to change their belief). Honest, this means that we can have honest dialogues between members.  

5.2 Mutual Respect

  Every member of the community should be treated with respect. While joking relationships and inside jokes do arise, it is meant to be a fun environment. If someone asks you to stop a joke, you should respect them and drop it. All too common a joke between one to two members can pick up steam before it is something that is constant and unrelenting. This is one such example, but basically when it comes to out of character: Don't be a dick.  

5.3 Spoiler Tag

  Spoiler tags are a great resource that should be employed in many places. Images which may be sensitive or that people are known to freak out over (I.E. Spiders) should be tagged as a curtsey. Also, spoiler tags should be used in the following section.  

5.4 Spoilers (Movies & Show)

  Not every member has the money or resources to see movies on opening days. And some members do not have resources or time to watch shows the night of airing. Any item that could be considered spoilers should use the spoiler tags in those channels. We are happy for you and others who have seen them discuss with these tags or in Direct Messages.  

5.5 Artists

  We have a number of Artists on the server, we allow them to conduct their business free with each member of the server. Those seeking the artist tag must contact the server owner to get permissions.   5.5.1 Commissions   Commission agreements between a community member and an Artist. We do not want to see any arguments about commissions on the server. If issues arrive please bring them to me.   5.5.2 Requests   Requests for the artwork should only be done on a commission form for the artists. At no point should you be requesting free artwork in channels or Direct messages.   5.5.3 Artist Channel NSFW   Sometimes artwork or pictures go past the PG-13. While there should be no graphic imagery of any "acts" ever posted if things are not workplace safe then use spoiler tags.  

5.6 Voice Channels

    We have a various amount of voice channels for everyone to use. Most channels have titles reflecting their purpose. If people are in the channel assume that they are using it for whatever reason and make sure to respect them.   5.6.1 Talking Over people   It should always be in your mind to not over talk people in voice chat. While most people are multitasking and not looking for the green signals of activity.  

5.7 Tags & Notifications

  Notifications such as @ here and @ everyone are reserved for moderators only. While we do push out a number of notifications we do our best to try and limit this to the overall population.  

5.8 Non-Roleplay Ranks

  We have a number of ranks for people who do not want to participate in the various roleplay games.   5.8.1 Gaming Friends   This rank is for people who are part of the community to play various games across pc, PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo with us.   5.8.2 Community Members   This rank is for people who wish to simply join the community and talk with people. These people are allowed to join in on any gaming and events which take place. This is the default rank of people on the server.   5.8.3 New Arrivals   Upon arriving you will be under the "everyone" rank. You should contact a mod and they will discuss why you have joined so they can put you on the right track.

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