Section 4: Punishments in Phrelle | World Anvil
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Section 4: Punishments

4.1 Corrective Discussions   4.2 Corrective Measures   4.3 One Shot Suspension   4.4 Roleplay Suspensions   4.5 Roleplay Removal   4.6 Server Kick   4.7 Server Ban   4.8 Misc Punishments  

4.1 Corrective Discussions

With minor infractions as well as things which might be misunderstood or Etiquette which might need to be taught we reserve the right to give corrective guidance to a player.  

4.2 Corrective Measures

One step up from a simple talk is restrictions on abilities to post in certain rooms or even the ability to post images.  

4.3 One Shot Suspension

A minor punishment due usually to minor infractions in roleplay rules, a party might be suspended from one shot from a minimum of two days to the maximum of one week.  

4.4 Roleplay suspension

A moderate punishment in which your rights to roleplay in one or more games will be stricken. This punishment is generally from three days to seven days. However, in cases, this punishment might be up to a month.  

4.5 Roleplay Removal

A severe punishment which will see your access to roleplaying removed from you for a period no less than thirty days. This punishment is able to be reviewed every month after the first thirty days have passed.  

4.6 Server Kick

A severe punishment in which lines have been crossed. You are removed from the server for a period of no less than three months. If you attempt to come back for any reason after being informed this will change to a ban.  

4.7 Server Ban

A severe punishment which only a small amount of people have ever gained from this server. Bans might be for a year or for life.  

4.8 Misc Punishments

In certain cases the moderators might find different punishments outside of the outlines we reserve the right to use different punishments.

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