Section 3: Complaints in Phrelle | World Anvil
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Section 3: Complaints

3.1 Complaints   3.2 Filing the complaint   3.3 Informal Complaints   3.4 Player Mediation Requests   3.5 Post File Process  

3.1 Complaints

  All reports must have listed the player filing the complaint as well as the player or person it is filed against. Evidence must be present in the form of screenshots or witnesses. These complaints must be filed to a moderator or me.  

3.2 Filing the complaint

  Most complaints are filed via different sources. If the complaint is against a player or person in a roleplaying game one of the game moderators may receive the complaint. If the complaint, however, is an out of character or direct message harassment it must be filed with a server moderator or server admin.  

3.3 Informal Complaints

  In situations where there is a grey area and a person is wanting to inform the moderators, you might file an informal complaint. These do not come with direct enforcement of Section 4: Punishments. These might be things where there needs to be mediation over a situation.  

3.4 Player Mediation Requests

  At any point, there is a disagreement between community members a party may request Mediation. This will again come with the evidence needed by the party requesting the mediation. This is for disagreements in which might be resolved.  

3.5 Post File Process

  Most complaints which are viewed as "minor" (ones generally where things are not harassment) will be brought up at the moderator meeting following the filing of the complaint. From that point, the team will discuss the complaint and evidence. After that point, the team will decide on what action to take and how to enforce it.

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