Section 2: Server Rules in Phrelle | World Anvil
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Section 2: Server Rules

2.1 Platforms   2.2 Accessibility   2.3 Age   2.4 Politics & Religion   2.5 Links & Advertisements   2.6 Media & Channels   2.7 Harassment      

2.1 Platforms

  Below is a living document of the rules and policies as it pertains to the overall discord environment. However, these general rules apply to any Roll20, Gaming Space, or platform which we create a community on.  

2.2 Accessibility

  The Discord is available to any and all members of any race, gender, sexuality, or gender identity. All politics aside from the various above classifications, we firmly believe that everyone has the basic right to live their life however they see fit. This extends to various points until you encounter someone else' rights to believe as they do.  

2.3 Age

  The Discord has a minimum age of sixteen (16) years old. This is a non-negotiable age minimum due to the content of things which happen on the discord proper. Any member found to be lying about their age will be removed from the discord.  

2.4 Politics & Religion

  The Discord channels are not a place for discussion of either. While we use to have a politics channel in the server it was the cause of much actual out of character arguments. Thus we decided that no debates shall happen in any open channel about either.  

2.5 Links & Advertisements

  The Discord is not a place for random advertisements to other discord, roll 20s, patreons, go fund me, streams, etc. While this is the general rule, this doesn't mean we won't support things. Any of those you wish to share should be brought to the server admin Sevv09.  

2.6 Media & Channels

  Most of the discord should be kept to a PG-13 Atmosphere. There are channels such as Peppers Hall of Memes which is considered NSFW.  

2.7 Harassment

  Harassment is the continued aggressive pressure or intimidation be it of the sexual nature or not. These issues are taken seriously here and will be treated as such. Evidence of this occurring will be asked for in all cases. See in the Etiquette section of Roleplay for furthering of in character.  
2.7.1 Direct Messages
While in most situations what happens in your direct messages is between the parties involved, any such harassment between server members is subject to falling under our harassment enforcement.

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