Section 8: Patreon in Phrelle | World Anvil
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Section 8: Patreon

8.1 Patreon Site
8.2 Patreon Status
8.3 Patreon Chat
8.4 Patreon Reward Usage
8.5 Additional Characters
8.6 Private Roleplay Rooms

8.1 Patreon Site

The Patreon site allows for people to help support the content creation and server being able to run as a 24/7 game. Without this support, the amount of content and number of games would be drastically reduced. The rewards on Patreon apply to all of our games and the advanced previews we give are usually posted on the site.      

8.2 Patreon Status

  Once you sign up for Patreon you will be given your status on the server. If this doesn't happen right away because the bot isn't working please message me who can add you to the role. We like to show which players are helping support the content.      

8.3 Patreon Chat

  When you gain your Patreon status you have special access to the #patreon_lounge. In here you can use it to ask specific questions which generally get our attention quicker than asking in the #5e-rules-questions . You will also be notified with links to Patreon of every special preview.      

8.4 Patreon Reward Usage

  All item, roll, potion, or other rewards are strict to be given out to other players in their games in which you are not a player. In cases where you don't use your rewards in a given month, they are currently rolling over to be kept as long as you maintain your status. Note: This may be subject to change in the future if we note abuse.      

8.5 Additional Characters

  When purchasing additional character slots, these may take a day or more to process before you can start creation via our system. We are working towards making the creation process as simple and streamlined as possible. As a citizen, you have two slots for Phrelle and one for Renascentia these can not be moved around. Any additional ones you gain from Patreon status can be applied to either game but you must speak with me should you want to convert a slot.      

8.6 Private Roleplay Rooms

  You can purchase as many private rooms as you wish. Private rooms generally take a day to properly set up, however at times it could be as little as twenty minutes. You are given full permissions in the room however we must pin posts for you. Each person you wish to add and remove to the channel is under your control.

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