Krymnan: Lybrasía /lɪːpraːsija/
Faronian desa: Ibras /ɪpraːs/
Lybrasía is the capital of Krymna in southern Gysikan, and one of the largest cities in the region. It's located on the coast of the innermost part of Bay of Ússus, and serves as an important port for ships sailing between the Góalanic Federation in the north to the Kingdom of Faron to the east and the island Kingdom of Refon to the southeast.
Faronian desa: Ibras /ɪpraːs/
Lybrasía is the capital of Krymna in southern Gysikan, and one of the largest cities in the region. It's located on the coast of the innermost part of Bay of Ússus, and serves as an important port for ships sailing between the Góalanic Federation in the north to the Kingdom of Faron to the east and the island Kingdom of Refon to the southeast.
Lybrasía's architecture is similar to that of most coastal towns and cities in Gysikan. Most houses are made of sun-dried mudbricks and timber, painted white and sporting tiled roofs, while homes of the wealthy use limestone and marble. Floors of public buildings and manors are often decorated with tiles made of black, white and pink marble or, more recently, mosaics with marine or mythological imagery.