Dominion: Session 3 Report in Aedes | World Anvil
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Dominion: Session 3

General Summary

Downtime in Caryatis

The forces of the dominion returned to Caryatis, the rescued Barren Plains tribe members in tow. Over three days of rest and recovery, the dominion's leadership pursued miscellaneous projects, and the kobold tribes recovered and grew strong.   In Fate: Significant Milestone


  • Damira: Swapped Fiery Temper to I'll Pay My Debts Twice Over; bumped Discern to +1; renamed her Punctured Wing to Bandaged Wing to start it healing.
  • Mursili: Bumped Deceive to +1; swapped Provoke (now +2) and Command (now +3).
  • Nazgul: Bumped Provoke to +1.
  • Qazir: Bumped Sneak to +1.




When walking through the hallways of the embassy at night, Qazir found himself face to face with a dwarven ambassador, Tukulti. They discussed Qazir's inventions for some time, particularly the glider, and then segued into some very straightforward questions regarding Damira's diplomatic forays toward the dwarves—Tukulti seemingly wanted to avoid the diplomatic niceties that would be involved in meeting Damira.   Over the next couple of days, Qazir held experimental trials in an attempt to find a substance that would hold a sustained burn and also stick to targets, with an end goal of inventing a flaming concoction that could be dropped from on high. Tukulti lent a hand ; ultimately, Qazir made a Sticky Mess of Powdered Stone, but it Can't Maintain a Flame longer than a couple seconds.  


Mursili began drilling Petros and the dominion caryatids in high-level tactics for how to fight alongside kobolds. He recruited a number of Stone Cradle kobolds, including Timur the Tenacious, to help drill the golems . After some initial effort, the caryatids had learned to Watch Where They Step On the Battlefield, but were Unwilling to Rely on Kobold "Strength"; rather than allowing their smaller allies to dart around them, attack, and fall back, they insisted on keeping themselves between the kobolds and danger at all times.  


Nazgul began the work necessary to set up a diplomatic corps; recruiting some kobolds and teaching them the necessary skills (how to write, communication skills, human cultural quirks, etc). She found her recruits to be Eager, Adventurous Kobolds who were quick to pick up on her writing system , but at the end of the three days of training, they were still Lacking in Social Graces necessary to serve as a diplomatic corps.   Nazgul also made contact with Tukulti, through Qazir, in the hopes of picking up some dwarven. He gave her some very direct vocabulary lessons in the form of a point-and-name walk-and-talk through the embassy.  


Damira went to the outer markets to walk among her people, speak with wounded soldiers, and check on morale. She found the majority of the tribes invigorated, not dismayed, by their first battle, filled with excitement by the prospect of the years to come. The kobolds of the Barren Plains tribe were the worst off, morale-wise, due to their high casualties and lack of familiar and steadying leadership.   While Damira was in the camps, Aiganym approached her to complain about the Barren Plains tribe, and Zhaqiya in particular. Aiganym accused him of being insufficiently trained as a historian, citing his ignorance of a major forbearance and misquoting of the prophecy (he had said "born facing the East," when it should have been "born facing the sun"). She urged Damira to consider assimilating the tribe into one or more of the other tribes so as to give them proper leadership and guidance; Damira promised to think on it and speak with Zhaqiya.

Travel to the Wooded Bend

The dominion departed Caryatis on the first day of nesting claw, and traveled for ten days. On day five, the caryatids inadvertently came within visible distance of a small human village, but otherwise, the journey was uneventful.   On arrival at the Wooded Bend Tribal Village, Damira, Mursili, Nazgul, and Qazir were met by the leaders of the tribe, as well as excited kobolds hurriedly arming themselves. The leaders—Chief Thrifty Byrganym, Historian Humble Adilet, and Shaman Gulhumar the Scholar—welcomed them, and explained that the tribe had been paying tribute to the nearby human settlement of Akinipo for generations; fired up by Damira's arrival, they were going to take revenge on the village "with or without her."   Damira ordered the leaders out of the chief's house in order to confer with her advisors (including Mursili, crouched outside near a window). They raised two key issues: denying the tribe their revenge would kill morale and possibly lead to insubordination, but destroying the village would hasten Bracaran awareness of the kobold incursion and throw a wrench in future negotiations. Ultimately, the group landed on a compromise: weakening Akinipan morale via the Godly Growl ritual overnight, then demanding reparations at dawn. In addition, to further mollify the Wooded Bend tribe, Damira promised to return for further vengeance once her dominion had grown in power.   Nazgul helped to prepare the tribe for combat, using her knowledge of human river battles (It Ain't The Rubicon, But It'll Do).

Reparations at Akinipo: Joe's Notes

I'm leaving this in bullet points for now, since it pretty much went exactly according to plan. Might write it up properly later.
  • The kobold tribes slipped over to the village at night, surrounding it and beginning the ritual under cover of darkness
    • Needle Hill took the more exposed farmland to the south since they were better at stealth
    • Wooded Bend took the grassland across the river, with Nazgul leading them
    • Everyone else had the cover of the nearby forests (and thus didn't have to roll stealth)
    • Akinipo scouts were better than expected, but the tribes managed to stay undetected
      • Needle Hill via their Hunters & Gatherers aspect
      • Wooded Bend via Nazgul's river knowledge
  • We let them stew, then had a contingent come across the bridge to greet the town
    • Petros and his golems waiting in the river to prevent escape via boats
    • Compel on Mursili to try his weight on the bridge and collapse it
  • Lots of villagers gaping at us; we stood on the village side of the bridge until someone important came out
    • The mayor of the town eventually did a former soldier named Arrius
    • With the effects of Godly Growl, Damira was able to cow him without any real trouble; he gave in and ordered all the town's valuables brought out to us
      • We grabbed any portable valuables and rations/supplies that would help in our travels, then melted the rest with lightning

Quick Notes

Rewards Granted

  • The portable valuables and rations from Akinipo.
  • A new ritual from the Wooded Bend Tribe, Beguiling Gaze.

Open Hooks

  • Damira promised Aiganym she would speak with Mild Zhaqiya regarding the latter's gaps in knowledge.

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Recruited the Wooded Bend Tribe by helping them take vengeance on Akinipo.



  • [2/4] Creating a diplomatic corps.
    • Eager, Adventurous Kobolds (HC)
    • Lacking in Social Graces (T)
  • [1/4] Training Petros and the caryatids to fight alongside kobolds.
    • Watch Where They Step On the Battlefield (HC)
    • Unwilling to Rely on Kobold "Strength" (T)
  • [1/6] Creating napalm.
    • Sticky Mess of Powdered Stone (HC)
    • Can't Maintain a Flame (T)


  • [4/8] Bracaran Awareness of Damira
  • [2/6] Acathan Awareness of Damira

Character(s) interacted with

Newly Introduced

  • Tukulti, dwarven ambassador to Caryatis. Helped Qazir with his invention and Nazgul to learn Dwarven.
  • Thrifty Byrganym, chieftain of the Wooded Bend Tribe.
  • Humble Adilet, historian of the Wooded Bend Tribe.
  • Gulhumar the Scholar, shaman of the Wooded Bend Tribe.
  • Arrius, mayor of Akinipo.


The Bracaran Peninsula
A zoomed-in map of the southeastern portion of Aedes.
Bracaran Date
19 Dragon Moon-5 Gadling Moon, Year 6 of Damira's Domain
Patrian Date
6-18 Aristillia, 102 AL
Report Date
01 Sep 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Table of Contents


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