Condemnation of Morda

One of the earliest recorded events in Aen's history is the Condemnation of Morda. A powerful, fish-like entity that was as close to godhood as a mortal could be, Morda coveted the power and knowledge of his creator, Sorovea of the Seas. Morda's jealousy and arrogance would eventually give rise to immeasurable power... and an inevitable downfall.

  • 1410 PR

    6 Kier 16:00

    Morda is Created
    Life, Birth

    Sorovea creates the Six Charybdie, of whom Morda is the first. Morda establishes the Aquatic Domain as his home.

  • 1388 PR

    18 Saryu

    Establishment of the Mordan Sovereignty

    While Morda has always had followers, his most powerful order of followers was established in the year 27 with the Mordan Sovereignty, an order of powerful wizards exiled from Rasariit for their dark studies and ill pursuits.

  • 1385 PR

    16 Orlin 12:00

    Creation of the First Rift
    Discovery, Scientific

    After years of experimentation and study, the Mordan Sovereignty created the first known rift in Aen. The rift was a horrific portal of crackling turquoise and magenta energy through which otherworldly sounds and sights could be heard and seen. It was created at the peak of Mount Gikwar in Degera. While small, it would soon become immense enough for a tremendous horror to step through with its siblings.

    Mount Gikwar
  • 1385 PR

    16 Orlin 13:00

    Arrival of the Unknowables
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Immediately after the Mordan Sovereignty created the first rift between realities, a horrific, towering monstrosity emerged from it, larger even than Mount Gikwar itself. The being, which would later be dubbed Urguzuth, warped the minds of the sovereignty's members to such a degree that they succumbed to a madness hereunto unfathomed.

    Mount Gikwar
  • 1384 PR

    4 Daith

    Degera Obliterated
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Unknowables rage across Degera, the southernmost nation of Aduna. Any settlement touched during their warpath was ripped into the sky to become part of a vile, conglomerate city that scholars would later call Cor'Athvaarn. The Unknowables continue to march with a vast army amassed of the twisted corpses of their fallen enemies.

  • 1384 PR

    6 Daith
    1384 PR

    26 Ruadd

    Cor'Athvaarn Tears Across Aduna
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Unknowables and their city continue to destroy Aduna, laying waste to half of Sclav, all of Degera and Mancaria, and a portion of Grozav before the gods Dragoste and Judecata make a firm stand against them.

  • 1384 PR

    22 Ruadd
    1384 PR

    2 Kier

    Last Stand of the Gods
    Military: Battle

    The gods made their final stand against the Unknowables in Grozav, where half of it had already been laid to waste. Judecata, having learned that her moonlight seemed the only thing capable of harming the eldritch horrors, had crafted special weapons for her most powerful celestial warriors. Over the course of a week-long battle, many of the Unknowables were slaughtered, but Palavokva escaped, Suryphia merged with Judecata and was expelled as a newborn deity, and Urguzuth could not be destroyed, only sealed away in a temporary prison. Still, the battle was won and the Unknowables were sealed away for an indeterminate amount of time.

  • 1384 PR

    26 Kier 04:00

    Morda Imprisoned
    Civil action

    Sorovea determines that Morda is the cause behind the rift that granted the Unknowables access to Aen and sentences him to a life in a prison crafted by the god Vaeke.

  • 23 PR

    26 Kusarra

    Morda Encounters Chaos Legion
    Life, Relationship change

    In 23 PR, Chaos Legion was traveling through Mania as a means of escape from their pursuer, Zarthilx and his Scrutan Order. During this detour, they found themselves in the same pocket of Mania that had become Morda's prison. The near-mindless Morda allowed them to leave prison unharmed after Joggor promised to tell Morda's story--albeit with significant embellishments in Morda's favor--to the rest of the world.

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