Archive of Dorinthor Settlement in Aerith | World Anvil
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Archive of Dorinthor

This massive structure was the first building to be built in Forgehome. The Archive was originally where the king’s throne was, but when Forgehome transitioned from a monarchy to being Triune-led, the throne room was repurposed into the Archive. One can still visit the throne that still sits in the center of building. The Archive is the largest building in all of Forgehome and is the greatest repository of pre-haven history, going as far back as when the Founder races emerged from the Womb of Humanity. Access to that part of the archive that holds any information older than 3000 years is very difficult and usually requires permission from all three members of the Triune. In addition to the Archive of Dorinthor, this Staromok is also where the mausoleums of Forgehome are, although some Dwarves still honour their dead in the ways of old, where they burn their dead in a forge and then craft an item from that forge in honour of the deceased. Above the Archive is also where the city clock is located.
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