Forgehome Mines Settlement in Aerith | World Anvil
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Forgehome Mines

Under the city is a massive collection of mines, tunnels, caves, gems, and ores. Mining is the largest industry in Forgehome, and the Wyrmcave clan owns two thirds of all the mines. The importance of the Wyrmcave clan cannot be understated as the majority of the ore, gems, and stone that is used in the city was provided by the Wyrmcave clan in some way or another. The mines stretch north and south of the city, all the way from near Shalehaven to the Scar of Fire, and east and west a smaller distance. In the past the mines stretched as far as the Southguard Plains to the west, but those tunnels were collapsed after the fall of Starhelm and the rise of the Witch Queen. They head east toward the Mantle of Denethen but do not quite connect under the Vale of Lutien.   Many creatures of the Underdark, Giants, denizens of the Scar of Fire, and many others threaten the miners and workers of the tunnels, so the owners spend a good deal of money and resources trying to protect their people and their profit. Many Krysin also live and hide within these mines but they do their best to keep away from the miners as much as possible. It is for this reason most Dwarves, particularly those of Forgehome, dislike the Krysin. Many Dwarves see them as carriers of disease and filth, just lying in hiding to steal from the Dwarves or disrupt the mines.
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