Triune Peak Settlement in Aerith | World Anvil
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Triune Peak

This Staromok is the highest point of the city. It contains the three Triune Clans housing complexes, the halls of the Triune, and the meeting area for the Triune, where they perform the duties of leading Forgehome. The only way to enter the Triune Staromok is by a teleportation circle that can only be activated by using a very unique and intricate activation rune. Only members of the Triune, their families, and selected few others have this particular rune. Other than the teleportation circle there is no way to enter the Staromok. A magical diamond wall, enchanted with many runic wards makes it near impossible to enter or assault the Triune Staromok, even with flight. The Housing Complexes that the Triune Clans have a mausoleum to their ancestors, but other than that most complexes are unique to the Clans.
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