Golden Path Settlement in Aerith | World Anvil
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Golden Path

The Golden Path is filled with the different shops, markets, forges, blacksmiths, breweries, banks, and schools that make Forgehome run. Those that don’t work in the mines will typically fill their day here. There are a lot of famous places in the Golden Path, including Mother’s Cry Brewing Company; Ruby Hammer Blacksmith; and The Goat’s Cradle. The Mother’s Cry Brewing Company sells a wide variety of ales, from the cheapest Miners Blood ale to their premium Golden Brew ale, and many ales in between.   The Ruby Hammer Blacksmiths is run by Adrik Firefrost, a large dark-skinned Dwarf with scars across his face, wielding his signature ruby hammer. Adrik can make anything, from weapons, armour, jewelry, sculptures, to almost anything else. One of the biggest shops in Forgehome is the Goat’s Cradle, a large shop that sells everything and can get anything from all over Aerith.
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