Resident Staromok Settlement in Aerith | World Anvil
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Resident Staromok

This is where a majority of the citizens of Forgehome live. Most houses in Forgehome are built into the mountain or use the mountain in some way in the construction of their house. Dwarves will often construct their own home when they are first are able to have one, usually at around 70 years of age. It is possible to pay to have a house built, although most Dwarves will look down upon those who do that; the exception to this for those who live in the Exaltation Staromok. Often, when Dwarves get married the two clans will come together to build a house for the marrying Dwarves. Most outsiders who live in Forgehome live here, but most of them have to pay for a house to be built, or in the case of first-generation Goliaths or Gnomes their Dwarvish parent will craft their home. This Staromok is also where the Silver Dawn Orphanage is. The orphanage is run by Auhilde Goldstone and it is her pride and joy. She puts a lot of effort into maintaining and improving it, getting help from the orphans when she can.
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