Tavern Staromok Settlement in Aerith | World Anvil
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Tavern Staromok

This Staromok is where most of the taverns and inns of Forgehome are located. The inns of the city are rarely used by travelers due to the rarity of foreigners. Some inns supplement their income by providing temporary housing for diplomats or displaced miners or citizens. The uncertain flow of income greatly increases the costs of staying at an inn in Forgehome. The Taverns in the city, on the other hand, sell some of the best ale in all of Starhelm; the most popular being from the Mother’s Cry Brewing Company. The largest tavern in the city is called The Diamond in the Rough. This tavern holds 10 levels, and has been around for nearly 4,000 years. Each level is large enough to be its own tavern, and while the top 4 levels can be rented out for a night, the bottom 6 levels are almost always filled with people. Each level gets fancier and more high-end as you progress. This is also where the Entrance to the city is located. Two massive Rocksteel doors that have the following words carved into it in each language; Never bent; Never burnt; Never broken.
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