Soul of Denethen Settlement in Aerith | World Anvil
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Soul of Denethen

This Staromok is where all the temples, shrines, and churches are located. Most of them are to Denethen, but there are a smattering of others, including shrines and temples to Morthos, Tereale, Terralin, Janosis, Ignis, Renathor, and even one old temple to Alucar. Most of these temples and churches were updated after the Ascension to be churches dedicated to Denethen. In the center of this area is where the Anvil of Creation is. The Anvil of Creation is a massive temple complex to Denethen that and where the head Priest of Denethen lives. It also sports a secure vault to hold important artifacts that is protected by the greatest traps, safeguards, and guardians. The Soul of Denethen is also one of the only places in Forgehome where one can interact with vegetation. Dwarven Druids enchanted this area long ago, creating everlasting grass and trees that don’t require sunlight or water, instead they feed off of the sulfur, ash, and smoke throughout the city. It cleans the air in the city and allows the Dwarves to experience grass and trees without needing to leave the city.
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