Festival Strip Settlement in Aerith | World Anvil
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Festival Strip

The Festival Strip is the area behind the Bertuk River in Stonebridge. This area is where festivals are held, and is home to the biggest attraction in Stonebridge - the Mounted Tempest, a circular structure with different wooden mounts. Riders choose a mount and slowly the base of the ride will rotate, while the mount simultaneously rises and falls, simulating flight. This ride is maintained to be in perfect condition, making it available throughout the entire year. When no festivals are being held, this area is mostly a ghost town. While there is tavern in this area, it is only open during festivals or if someone rents the space for big events. Many people will take advantage of the empty building and often throw outdoor parties without city permission. Shadier people may also take the opportunity participate in clandestine dealings while the area is empty.  
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