Stalwart Mule Building / Landmark in Aerith | World Anvil
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Stalwart Mule

Stalwart Mule is the largest and most popular tavern and inn in the city. The tavern is a two-storey building with five levels of basement. It is owned and run by Visasha Orokai, a no-nonsense Goliath, who has put a lot of blood, sweat, and tears into making the Stalwart Mule what it is. She is often seen in the kitchen, but if a fight starts in the tavern she will quickly end it, with decisive action. Nobody wants to see Visasha in the tavern, because it typically means she has to end a fight and is never happy if she is forced to do that. The tavern itself is a reinforced wooden building, the sign that hangs above the entrance is painted a bright green colour in the shape of a pentagon with a mural of a mule walking uphill dragging a city behind it. Inside the tavern there are three bars, many tables, and a firepit in the middle of the room. The tables are usually filled with people playing dice or cards, swapping stories, and generally having a good time. Near the front door there is a job board for different odd jobs around the town.    The second floor consists of private rooms that people can rent for a day, typically reserved for the wealthy who decide to stay at the Mule. The bottom five levels comprise the remainder of the inn. As no natural light enters the basement, each room has a clock built into the walls, that can be set to have bells ring at a certain time. Those who need to be somewhere at a certain time have a great appreciation for this amazing Gnomish invention.
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