The Carabas Hall of Gambling Building / Landmark in Aerith | World Anvil
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The Carabas Hall of Gambling

The Carabas Hall is a large building in the south west of the city. The building is brand new and takes up an entire block. There is an inn, a tavern, a dance hall, a gambling hall, and a house of lady favours. The owner is a Tabaxi named Tora Carabas, that wandered onto Starhelm from her home on Sangor through the Beastlands. After arriving in the Marsh of Menlos, she quickly left and made her way to Stonebridge where she learned the language and brought some Sangorian flair into the city. Building her wealth quickly, she eventually opened up her hall.   The hall is filled with purple silk and soothing incense. The inn has around 100 rooms each of which can hold between 2-6 people, with prices ranging between 1 silver to 5 gold for the master suite.   The tavern holds a wide variety of food, drink, and exotic hookah spices (along with other drugs). The dance hall is a large room with around 50 tables and a black and white marble checkered dance floor. A grand stage where awe-inspiring musicians play is a centre piece of the dance hall. The gambling hall is filled with different tables, where dice, cards, roulette, gnomish gambling machines (slots), and other games are played. A unique Sangorian game is also featured, called The Runic Tower. It is a tile game, where pairs of tiles with different symbols and runes on them are used. Sangorian Dragons is a version of Dueling Dragons unique to Sangor.   Finally there is the house of lady favours, a popular attraction at the Carabas Hall, where visitors go to spend a night with a beautiful woman.
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