The Meteor Shower Building / Landmark in Aerith | World Anvil
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The Meteor Shower

The Meteor Shower is a small magic shop and observatory, run by a female Magma Genasi named Comet Earthengrasp. She is a large woman with sand-like skin, crack-like veins covering her body that glow like lava. She has enchanted display cases that allow her to cast and maintain an illusion within. She uses these display cases to show what magic items she has for sale, without having to have the item on hand.. On the left wall is a doorway shrouded with a purple curtain that leads to the observatory (1 silver piece entry). In recent months Stonebridge has adopted the Avandarian Method of Curators for the distribution of magic items. The Meteor Shower has managed to skirt the new law, citing the fact that their items are low in power, and the bulk of her business is from the observatory.
Shop, Magic
Parent Location
Characters in Location


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