Hardy Times Building / Landmark in Aerith | World Anvil
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Hardy Times

Hardy Times is a large tavern found in the Festival Strip that is quite popular, especially during festivals. It is a three-floor tavern with a large outdoor sitting area. On the first floor there is a round stage in the middle of the room for bands to play, as well as three fireplaces on the three walls aside from the bar. There are not a lot of places to sit, as the floor is to be used for dancing, but there are a few seats and tables, mostly for tired folk who just need a quick break, which is what often. The second floor houses the kitchen and another bar, with a few seats and tables that line the walls, as the majority of the floor looks down onto the main floor, allowing people to sit and watch the performers from a comfortable seat. The third floor is the seating area, where tables of various sizes and colours fill the room.
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
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