The Coin Exchange Building / Landmark in Aerith | World Anvil
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The Coin Exchange

The Stonebridge Coin Exchange is a bank and coin exchange for the city, located next to the military compound for added security. The large stone building is also a beautiful landmark in the city. Designed structurally by the Dwarves and decorated by the Elves, it is a physical symbol of what the two can do when they come together. When you enter the Exchange you will notice many different defenses that protect the building and its contents. Different arcane wards surround the area, and Gnomish inventions protect the workers, but the most notable thing are the guards that stand watch. There is a 10% fee when exchanging coin, which is why not many common folk us it. and the vault has a high fee to keep items secure within in it. The arcane additions to the vault allows almost anything (short of a building) to be kept safely within. The cost of such security is 5 gold monthly or 500 gold yearly, which many city officials use to keep the bulk of their wealth safe.
Bank / Treasury
Parent Location
Characters in Location


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