Plains of the Roving Herd Geographic Location in Aerith | World Anvil
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Plains of the Roving Herd

The Plains of the Roving Herd is the small section of plains in between the Burrowfast Foothills, Fenblight Swamp, and just south of the westernmost part of Denethen's Helm. It is the westernmost section of The Necklace , the barbarian migratory path that goes from the Plains of the Roving Herd, under Denethen’s Helm, through the Burrowfast Foothills and all the way over to the northwest end of the Northguard Plains.   There are few villages in the area, and it is mostly populated by Barbarian tribes of Humans and Goliaths. They will often meet with each other and trade or tell stories, but sometimes they fight over resources or game and leave a bloody trail along the path. Unless they are constantly fighting with the same tribe over and over, or a personal slight has occurred most Barbarian tribes will accept the outcomes of the battle and move on, potentially even trading or telling stories the next time they meet.   As with most tribal societies they are ruled by the strongest leader, but the wise make the longest lasting leaders. The success of the tribe is paramount to survival, so strength often gives way to wisdom.   Linkwood effectively splits the Plains of the Roving Herd into a north and south section, with the northern tribes being friendlier and more willing to trade. The southern section of the Plains deals with the Fallen of Narfindel, the Lizard King Crackmaw, and the Grippli of Mudburrow.
Location under
Inhabiting Species
Population: Majority – Humans; Minority – Goliaths; Lesser Minority – Halflings, Dwarves; Large group – Dragonkin (Delmyris tribe)


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