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Norda Broodfist

A witty, no-nonsense female dwarf cleric whose short fuse can spell the onslaught of epigrammatic phrases or a fierce swift axe.  

Clan Broodfist

  While not as prominent as their rivals Clan Hammerstone, Clan Broodfist was a well-established middle tier clan that had earned respect among Dwarven kind. Its kin were located predominately in the Zilvren region in Aethos, though some threads are also in Odrormond. Like most Clans, Broodfist held a variety of specializations in crafting, though their focus was primarily masonry & engineering. It was one of the primary clans responsible for the construction of Zilvren City. While many clans were involved in its construction, four were tasked as headmarks for the overall planning and oversight. Each were stationed at four opposite corners of the central project. Clan Hammerstone was also one of these groups. Hammerstone eventually received the most accolades for the city as their staging area composed of a better mining source, which in time yielded them a stronger standing politically and in wealth. This was the underlying beginning to the rivalry between the two clans.  
  • Father: Eberik
  • Mother: Balifra
  • Older Brother: Oskar
  • Younger Brother: Rangrim
  • Early Years

      Norda grew up in the Dwarven district of Fathomine on the outskirts of Zilvren City. Fathomine was one of the oldest settlements created and used as a staging ground for the construction of Zilvren City. It was also one of the few settlements that was mostly a surface town high in the mountains. Norda’s family was very close as most Dwarf Clans are. Even in her youth, she had a mind for engineering and was a solid fighter.  
    by Anthony Avon
    Norda was extremely faithful to her family and grew up admired by her peers as a strong and honorable dwarf. She found herself blessed by Dorath the Designer, the chief god of the Circle of Doratharr (Dwarven Pantheon). Dorath viewed loyalty & duty as the anvil of success, holding his followers to always remain true to one’s family, friends, and allies. As her skills as a fighter grew, Norda began to serve as a Dorath cleric, known as a Sonnlinor. Clan Broodfist was one of a handful of family lines that had members take this path.
      With her growing proficiency as a fighter, Norda wanted to join the Dymonds of Dorath. This was an elite military order dominated by crusaders & clerics that served as both commanders of dwarven armies and as a strike force dealing with the dangers of darkness. While this was considered an honorable undertaking, it was uncustomary for one to join at an early age. Still lacking life experiences, her father refused to grant her request. He also didn't want to risk her being formally rejected by the Dymonds as it was looked down upon and made it more difficult to be accepted in the future.  

    Ambush on Hormanil Trail

      One of Clan Broodfist’s duties in Fathomine was to oversee trade with another dwarven mountain surface town, Darmak Trace. The two surface towns were approximately two days travel by a single road carved on the mountainside called Hormanil Trail. With the towns & trail tucked high in the mountains, there were rarely organized attacks on caravans. However, occasional wildlife scavenging for food made escort on the journey a preferred choice.  
    Norda, her brother Rangrim, and cousins Dain and Delg were on a return trip from Darmak Trace with a trio of traders from Fathomine when they found themselves attacked by a group of goblins. The Broodfists held their own, but the goblins would have killed them all if not for Norda. She acted quickly in the face of danger, shouted positioning for defense, and struck without mercy as the opportunities presented themselves.
    by Aaron Florento
      Two goblins grabbed her brother and began to drag him away. Norda finished a goblin near her, then quickly ran & used her cousin’s shoulder as a step to launch herself to land on her brother, breaking the pair’s grip on Rangrim. With a twirl of her axe, she removed their heads in the blink of an eye. This gallant maneuver proved to be enough to scare the remaining goblins to retreat.   Once home, the party raved of Norda’s prowess in battle as they acknowledged that they would have surely perished if not for her bravery. A feast was given in her honor. That night her father Eberik proudly stood before the other clans in Fathomine and toasted, “Dorath grants only the most loyal of Broodfist to be fit for the Dymonds, and I can no longer ignore Dorath’s call for my daughter. She will be the latest & the youngest Broodfist to lead dwarves against the dark... to my daughter, Norda Broodfist, a Dymond of Dorath!” The rousing cheers would forever ring in Norda’s heart. It was the happiest moment of her life.  

    Dymond of Dorath

    Only the fiercest and bravest of dwarves took up the path of Dymond. Many chapters of this order spanned nearly every dwarven stronghold. The order was dedicated to the defense of existing dwarven holdings and the carving out of new dwarven territories. Individual chapters have a great deal of local autonomy, but in times of crisis, a Grand Council (the reigning monarchs and senior Dymonds of the affected region) assemble to plot strategy and the divine will of Dorath.   Norda began her training in the Silver City. She was a worthy addition to the Dymonds of Dorath. Over time she earned the respect of her peers as they performed various quests and missions.
    The Dymond of Dorath
    by Syler
      While on the outskirts of the Undereach below Zilvren City, her team happened across information of an impending attack on the city. They rushed back in hopes to fortify their home, but they were too late.  

    Fall of Zilvren City

      From below they crept, goblins and creatures of the Undereach. While the Dwarves of Zilvren had protected their underground domain for centuries from areas at risk of invasion, they didn’t foresee a three-front attack. As the primary dwarven army defended the main tunnel from a large force, another group traveled across the surface of the mountain to take over the less defended surface town of Fathomine. Never had the surface town had to defend itself from such an invasion.  
    Norda’s home was sacked quickly with many dwarves slaughtered. The force turned from there inward to Ridge Crest where the third and largest attacking force came from below the town’s cliffs. With the two forces combining they easily overtook Ridge Crest and made their way to the Silver City.   The news of the Goblin Army marching from the western paths was too slow. The dwarves had become complacent in their beautifully carved home and took their enemy for granted. Silver City fell to the Goblin Army. It was the greatest and most humiliating loss of dwarfkind.
    by Kevin Chin
      The goblins had already breached the city by the time Norda’s team arrived. They immediately made their presence felt in the defense of their home, but it was not enough. The dwarves were forced to fall back to the outer halls near the Garyk entrance of Zilvren Mountain.  
    by Stanton Feng

    Reformation of the Zilvren Army

    After such a crushing loss, there were too few dwarves remaining to field an army to reclaim the city. The other dwarf countries were too far away to help in any quick manner. Knowing that their small foothold in Zilvren was slipping away, the Dwarves had to request aid from Garyk. The humans of Garyk had been on the frontline against the forces of Vraythr for many years and knew that if Zilvren were to be fortified by a goblin army, their border would never be safe. So, the humans answered the Dwarves’ desperate call to arms and helped them to reform the Zilvren Army.   The remaining Dymonds of Dorath were integral to the outer halls defense and planning for the upcoming offensive as they headed units of the army. Norda commanded a unit of her own. The humans of Garyk that formed the Zilvren Army weren’t the primary military of Garyk, as they were deployed elsewhere. With haste a necessity to rebuild the Zilvren front, the capital city of Rockmount sent their defensive battalions, any remaining soldiers that were in port, and enlisted volunteers that were able bodied fighters.
    Garyk Entrance of Zilvren Mountain
    by Viktor Titov

    The Battle for the Silver City

    by Jon Sullivan
    With a resurgence of fighters, the new Zilvren Army pressed the great Silver City under the direction of the Dwarves. Norda’s unit was part of the spear’s tip as they pushed into the city’s walls. The soldiers around Norda revered her courage & tenacity on the battle field.   With their knowledge of their own city, the dwarves lead the new army into the inner halls and began to refortify the city’s defenses against the goblins. After a long battle, they were able to push the goblins from the city to their funnel point at Ridge Crest.

    Ridge Crest Deluge

      The goblin army maintained their position at the edge of Ridge Crest and dug in mightily, similar to how the dwarves held their previous foothold at the outer halls after their initial defeat. The center of Ridge Crest was under constant struggle.   A group of dwarves had taken up the Silver City side of Ridge Crest, and fortified it as their own and was the backbone of the Zilvren Army position of Ridge Crest. This group was led by Norda's oldest brother, Oskar, and three of her cousins to include Dain and Delg. Ridge Crest was positioned below the city with a single stream that ran its course through the town. The stream’s source was Forge Lake, a massive dammed lake that allowed a waterfall to pour down to Ridge Crest. The builders of the Zilvren City had dammed the lake at the outset of construction.   Uncertain of the resources of the goblins, the Zilvren Army worried the goblins would outlast their supplies. The humans suggested they cave in the tunnels around Ridge Crest, but the town’s infrastructure was tied to closely to the foundation of Zilvren City. The dwarves warned it was too dangerous and could be catastrophic. Norda suggested they flood it by breaking the dam. The humans agreed this would work and began to issue the order for troops to pull out of Ridge Crest.   Once told of her plan, her brother Oskar defiantly told her that clan Broodfist would never give up Ridge Crest now that they have staked their claim with blood. Broodfist had long wanted to hold Ridge Crest, their rival clan Hammerstone’s former homestead. Norda returned to the leaders and told them of the new dilemma. The Dymonds of Dorath among them spoke up and sided that clan Broodfist has the right to defend their new claim.  
    The humans reaffirmed that the plan was the only way, and they couldn’t back out now as they’ve already relinquished their defensive position in the town, not only would they lose many lives regaining what they’ve given up, they’d lose more resources in the process.   She ran to her family and pleaded for them to vacate the region, but again they refused. Norda returned to the overlooking stone wall of Zilvren City where the retreated army stood ready to unleash the dam. Norda looked down below to see the dwarven group beginning to struggle against the advancing regrouped goblin forces. Her four family members slew a few brave goblins then looked up to the dam.   Norda stopped the humans that were prepping the water’s gate, and had them move away as she took their place. She raised her hammer with tears and struck the gate. The waters gushed from the high city. Oskar and his brethren stood solemnly in disbelief, and with no fear accepted their fate as the flood swept them away.
    by Skyllee

    A Lost Dymond

    by Syler
    Lake Forge was now formed where Ridge Crest formerly resided. While the plan was a success and the Zilvren City was restored, there were consequences to Norda’s actions. The Dymonds of Dorath gathered and made a decision to remove Norda from the order. They voiced that a Dymond would never abandon their family, that Norda’s place was to side with her family at Ridge Crest, even if that meant her death. Dorath would have rewarded her on the other side.   Norda maintained that she only did what she thought was best for dwarfkind, for the city, and for the Dymonds. They recognized her bravery and heroism. In return, they did not banish her from Zilvren City. They decreed that she still had honor among dwarves, but she was a Dymond no more. As they took her hammer, she could feel the power of Dorath leave her. Her all-father had turned his back to her.
      While she retained her honor by decree, no expelled Dymond had ever been looked on with honor. So, publicly her stature was less than ideal as it was viewed that Dorath no longer looked upon her favorably.   Uncomfortable living in Zilvren City, Norda decided to return to Fathomine, but her homecoming was not a warm one. As clan Broodfist was doing their best to pick up the pieces of their homestead, her family was in mourning over her brother & cousins’ deaths.   Norda announced that with Zilvren City saved, she had returned to her place with her family. A bitter, drunk, and agonized Eberik jawed to his daughter in front of the clan, “Your place... your place was with your family at Oskar’s side. We can always build new cities. We’re dwarves. Or have you forgotten that, Dymond of Dorath?”   “I no longer carry the hammer of a Dymond,” she replied with gasps and mummers quickly following. She knew her father would always allow for her presence as a Dymond of Dorath, even with her actions taking her brother’s life. With her no longer a Dymond, she held hope that her father would still accept her out of love.   “Then, you have no place here,” he solemnly ordained. Norda felt herself come undone within. She respectfully nodded to her father in acceptance of his decision. Her eyes met Rangrim’s. A tear fell from his cheek as he turned his gaze from her. With no words and no friends, Norda left Zilvren.  

    The Fiend, The Elf, & The Wayward Dwarf

      With no path before her, Norda made her way west to Stonemist, then south to the town Cators Nob... consuming every ounce of ale she could find. While in Cators Nob, she learned of an elf boy that had been carried off by a fiend. Immediately, Norda charged into the night to the cave where it was rumored the fiend emerged. She hunted down the fiend, slew it, and retrieved the boy from the cave and tended to him there in the woods.   The boy had strange, infected claw marks on his arm that left him feverishly unconscious. The boy was dying, and she had no power to save him. She prayed to Dorath for mercy. Suddenly, a bright white light peered through the trees to where Norda knelt over the child.  
    by Niki Pike
    As if stepping from within the light, a figure came forth. A tall, slender brown skinned elf emerged with long straight black hair. His eyes were sharp blue-gray. On his face was an intricate golden tree tattoo with roots on his chin and branches on his brow and forehead reaching to a glistening moon and stars. He wore an elegant white & gray robe with intricate silver trim and designs of the various stages of the moon along its sides. Around his neck, he wore a silver necklace that had a beautiful clear-white crystal hanging from it.
      The light dissipated as the figure walked toward the awestruck dwarf. The elf’s features and robes continued to glow as if retaining the light which brought it. Norda remained frozen as the graceful being seemingly spoke within her head without moving his lips, “Fear not dwarf. I come in peace.” He slowly knelt down to the boy opposite of Norda.   She watched as the elf’s glow waned as he touched the child’s forehead. The claw wound carried the glow as a smile appeared on the boy’s sleeping face. “Can you spare him? You may take my life in his place,” Norda said with sincerity. The elf seemed surprised momentarily and smiled.   “I could, but I’m afraid with this wound the child would only know pain. Where I will take him, he will know only joy.”   “Who are you?” she asked.  
    They both rose to their feet. “I am Normanys Clyythir, Soul Steward of Seylee. And I heard your prayer, Norda Broodfist, Daughter of Eberik.”   “How would an elf god...?” she then realized, “...for the elf boy. You came for him, it wasn’t because I prayed to Dorath.”   “I did come for the boy, but I also conferred with Dorath, for he is an ally of The Elvrae. He spoke highly of your courage & skill. My Lady of the Moon has made of me an unusual request... to make you a Cleric under my care.”   “You know I’m a dwarf, right?”   “As I said, unusual.”   “And mostly drunk,” she quipped.
    Normanys Clyythir
    by Merwild
      The elf smirked, “The choice is yours, but know that my Lady believes there is a place in this world for you,” Normanys raised his arms outward. The subtle glow emanating from the sleeping boy drew from his body and exited his mouth as his final breath. The small star of light hovered above the child, then quickly siphoned itself to a crystal-like jewel hanging from Normanys’ necklace, continuing its glow from within the stone. Norda restrained her mounting tears. “Do not mourn. The child of the Elvrae is safe. He will soon be with his family.”   “I’ll do it,” she blurted, “I don’t know much about my place, but I’ll be your cleric.” Normanys slightly bowed his head in acceptance as the moon's white light reappeared through the trees. The elf deity submerged within the light. “Wait. What do I do? Where am I supposed to go?” The light withdrew from the wooded plain. Normanys was gone.   Norda stood there confused with disbelief, “Hello..? Glowy elf god, you still there?” Silence of the night was all that answered. She shook her head, “I don’t know what was in that ale, but I’m gonna need more of it.”  

    The Dwarven Elf Cleric

    Norda was in denial about what she witnessed. She returned the boy’s body to the town and continued her imbibing. Wired from the experience, she remained awake through to the next day until she finally passed out next to the stables. As the moonlight hit her sleeping face, Norda began to dream.   She saw a youthful, ageless female elf clad in a diaphanous gown made of moonbeam. Her blueish-white skin & long hair glistened in the light. This ghostly elven girl danced elegantly on the surface of a sea in moonlight. Norda stood on the shore mesmerized. The elf motioned for her to approach. Unaware of her steps on the surface of the water, Norda began to close the space between her and the elf. The elf caressed her cheek and smiled. A single joyful tear rolled down her face. The goddess caught the tear with her finger and brought it to Norda’s lips.
    Seylee, Goddess of the Moon
    by Linda Kindt
      Norda was dumbfounded by the images and remained still in the grasp of the elf. The moonlit creature’s face turned to hardened determination as she pressed the tear held finger into Norda’s mouth. The elf grinned. Norda wrenched her face confused by the bizarre situation. The tear absorbed into her tongue—a cool & refreshing taste. The elf removed her finger as the moonlight above embraced and retrieved her form.   As she watched the elf vanish above, Norda began to feel herself lift from the surface of the water. She looked out to see a large port at the base of a cliffside. As she gained height, she could see a massive tiered city resting on the cliffs beyond. Although she had never seen it, Norda believed it to be the city of Rockmount. She began to fall. The dark water below rushed toward her as she left her stomach behind. Closer and closer it drew until... splash.  
    City of Rockmount
    by Sarichev
    Norda awoke being doused by a trough of water tipped over by a horse at the stables. The morning light was harsh to her recovering eyes. She glared at the horse. Somehow, she felt different. Wet, but different.   Unsure of what her dream meant, Norda believed she had met Seylee, Goddess of the Moon, in that vision. This would prove true as she found herself once again with the magical abilities of a cleric. Uncertain of her mission, Norda made her way to the Garyk capital, Rockmount.
    Date of Birth
    9th of Nevarihm
    Year of Birth
    1118 AS 131 Years old
    Light Orange
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    Freckled and Rosy
    Aligned Organization

    Cover image: by Phantom-T
    Character Portrait image: by BobKehl


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