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Cassimir Palatine

Cassimir Palatine is the father of Raz Palatine one of the Heroes of Borlun. Unbeknownst to Raz Palatine he was also a Changeling who took her from the Vistani to protect her from the Emerald Order. Raising her as his own child with Gerard Palatine the pair were saved during the initial attack on Borlun by their daughter and moved to live in Csorvan for the events of the Fireborn Invasion  Cassimir would be named as representative of the refugees eventually becoming the Reeve of Borlun during its resettlement. Though his relationship with Raz Palatine would wain following her departure to Strixhaven.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born Cassandra Palatine in Hornburg, a town in the Kingdom of Volkein, to Nidora Palatine a yeomen who owned a parcel of land named Eastfall. Cassandra was the unfortunate product of a doppelganger's seduction who intended to consume Nidora until its death by Abraham the guard captain. To avoid scandal Abraham and Nidora married claiming the child was Abraham's and he was to take her more noble surname.   To honour this position Abraham ended his relationship with one of the scullery maids learning she too was pregnant. It was agreed that both Cassandra and Abrahams child, Herman, would be raised as their children. Though they would be alleged as twins Herman was to be given to the church at the age of maturity to ensure Cassandra received her rightful inheritance. This agreement worked well until Cassandra turned eleven and Nidora fell victim to a passing plague leaving her in the sole care of Abraham, the now accepted Custodian of Eastfall.   Around this time Cass also began to experience the emergence of her changeling heritage. Able to shift her form Abraham sought to conceal this from the world, in his mind to protect her, but in her pubescent mind to imprison her under his control. This collapsed their relationship, which only worsened when he named Herman as heir to Eastfall in hopes it would distract attention from Cass.   Cass attempted to push this in court claiming she was the rightful heir to the disregard of the Countess who believed Herman , as the eldest male heir, was the natural inheritor. Though the court took little mind of her claims the Emerald Order did learn of the dispute and with investigation learned that Cass was not the human she was alleged to be. Unaware of this however Cass chose to flee rather than be a prisoner escaping Eastfall, with its deed of ownership, to travel with a Vistani caravan her mother had oft allowed to make camp on her grounds.   As she travelled to the caravan she was attacked by the Emerald Order donning the garb of the countess' forces. Though she escaped Cass forever held this against Abraham who she suspected of sending the forces to kidnap her and force her return. Yet for all the horror behind her Cass found a true family amidst the Vistani. The camp leader Madam Cyrilla Castra adopted the still pubescent Cass as a child allowing her to freely transition between forms as they found a form they were comfortable with.   For nine years Cass lived amongst the Vistani celebrating their festivities and even finding love in the arms of Leran Goskov who travelled amongst them. Cass found a preference for a certain male form taken from a mercenary captain that they briefly traded with. Yet in the time there was also danger, a doppelganger infiltrating the camp seduced Cyrilla being caught only months before it would strike and slay her. This led to the birth of Raz to whom Cass was named godparent. He, as Cass now choosing to go by Cassimir identified, thrived in the role watching over Raz and her cousin Cayba as they grew up.   It was as he raised them that Cassimir would meet Gerard a huntsman from the town of Borlun that tended to a shrine to the Green Father in the woods. Soon falling for him Cassimir would visit him whenever the caravan passed often organising other rendezvous at assorted shrines along their roots.   He lived the ideal life amongst the caravan yet it was not to last. For word soon spread of changelings travelling amongst the already distrusted Vistani to the ears of the Emerald Order whose pursuit of his kind had not wavered. Waiting along their journey the order attacked hoping to capture Cassimir and Raz as their thralls.   Refusing to kneel the Vistani fought hard to repel the attackers allowing Cassimir to flee alongside the still infantile Raz. From the caravan they found Gerard and soon after the pair wed and settled in his Borlun home.   Starting his new life as a chronicler and local scholar Cassimir found new life within the town. Raz was raised as his child with no knowledge of her Vistani past beyond brief allusions made in moments of passing by her parents. When the Fireborn attacked Cassimir would be saved by his daughter who brought him with several others to Csorvan. There he began to rise again in the ranks becoming a representative then Reeve for the people of Borlun, a position he now continues to hold.

Gender Identity

Cass though born a woman has come to choose a male persona in Cassimir. He chooses the he / him pronouns and rarely assumes other forms from his common one but in moments of great need.


Cassimir is attracted to men with little sexual interest in women.
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Reeve of Borlun
Current Residence
He / Him

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