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Forged to serve as scouts across the mountaintops the Owlin were a late addition to the creations of the dragons leading to their numbers being far smaller than many of the other races. Many Owlin dwell around the isle of Strixhaven or in small communities around mountains where they serve warning to weary travellers often bringing them emergency supplies or returning them to their kin when lost.

Basic Information


Owlin have arms and legs like other humanoids, as well as wings that extend from their back and shoulders. They are graced with feathers that make no sound when they move or fly, making it easy for them to sneak around when required. Similar to their owl ancestors they are bale to rotate their heads a full three hundred and sixty degrees.

Genetics and Reproduction

Owlin reproduce sexually and are unique in being able to do so with any creature. Owlin possess a frontal cloaca from which an organ similar to a penis can be protruded. Either penetration into the cloaca or using the protruded organ allows the Owlin to gather reproductive fluids from their partner. The Owlin then makes a biological copy within their reproductive organs memory banks. They then store these genetic stamps until they are in a safe environment and enter the fertile stage of their lifecycle, usually once every decade, and are settled with a partner whose pheromones trigger their birthing process. This process then leads to the laying of clusters of three to twelve eggs created from a mixture of the Owlin's own tissue and the tissue of their former partners. Though Owlin children retain the Owlin race their visual appearance is heavily altered particularly in the form of feathers, patterns, size and muscle mass by their non-Owlin parent.

Growth Rate & Stages

Owlin live long lives often divided between three separate stages: Owlet, Maturing & Elder.   The Owlet stage lasts for twenty years during which the owl tends to grow a small amount reaching about half their final size physically but developing all their mental faculties. In the Owlet stage they are often cared for and protected by other Owlin who consider them to still be children. Around their twentieth birthday they begin to experience a physical transformation often noted by the darkening of the feathers or the emergence of a pattern, this signals their movement into the maturing stage.   The Maturing stage lasts around a decade and sees the physical evolution of the Owlet as it grows taller and wider with stronger wings and muscles. They begin to mature sexually during this period often shortly after reaching their full size and experience an increased attraction to prospective partners often becoming aware of their sexual orientation shortly after.   Once they have concluded their maturing stage they are considered a fully grown Owlin known as an 'Elder' in which stage they remain as they grow older. Towards the end of an Owlin's life they begin to malt feathers and experience a weakening of their muscles akin to other species.

Ecology and Habitats

Owlin favour large open terrain with high places that are difficult to access in which they can build their nests. Owlin communities tend to be found in places with good visibility of their surroundings but that cannot be reached without wings or a difficult climb. Where they reside in cities or farmlands Owlins tend to live atop towers or in the attics or rooftops of structures.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Owlin are primarily carnivorous species who are rendered ill on the consumption of large amounts of solid vegetation. As such their diets primarily consist of high protein meats such as insects. Owlin are able to consume non-meat foods in liquid form though effects of substances like alcohol have a much more pronounced effect due to its unnatural effect on their systems.


Owlin tend to be a wise and reluctant people with remarkable natural intelligence that comes from their delayed physical maturity. Their cultural promotes philanthropy with their wisdom and many Owlin are naturally trusting and happy to assist and aid lost or weary travellers near their nests. While not adverse to defending themselves Owlin tend to avoid using aggression against others but are happy to lend their strength to defend those being preyed on by stronger neighbours.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Owlin societies are organised into noocracies wherein the wisest and most intelligent members of an Owlin nest act as the political and social leaders of it. Owlin tend to not have a single noted leader favouring different Owlin with different specialities that vary by circumstance. As such a nest debates any issues that arise in its livelihood with all Owlin being welcome to contribute but those known to be most knowledgeable holding leadership of the caucus. The ultimate view shared by those who prove most knowledgeable of the issue is thus carried as the decision of the nest that the others follow with the consequences then reflecting on the contributors wisdom.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Owlin like many Aesalian species possess a reservoir of innate Arcanum that allows them to perform magic. Their wings also allow them to easily fly from a young age making movement upon their legs as easy and movement with their wings and often considered a slower means of transport.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Owlin naming traditions consist of three parts: a nest name, a first name and an honour name.   A nest name is a personal private name known only by those closest to the Owlin such as those within their nest. For an Owlin to share their nest name with an outsider is a powerful expression of friendship and affection. Nest names tend to be short with only one or two short syllables pronounceable more easily by those who speak Kocorai  The first names of Owlin tend to be a pair of descriptions most often used as a portmanteau of two descriptive words. For instance an Owlin with dark feathers around their eyes may be called Niye or Night Eye to use its full form. The full form of an Owlin's first name is used only for formal circumstances such as the receipt of a commendation from a monarch.   The honour name, such as Brightfeather, is treated by most as an Owlin's surname and reflects a quality of a particularly dignified ancestor. Honour names stay with an Owlin there whole lives and are passed onto children if they do not outperform their ancestors action. As such some honour names are more common where an ancestor performed an exceptional feat of skill or courage.

Gender Ideals

Owlin recognise two genders: Birthed and Unbirthed.    Birthed Owlin are those who have laid their first nest of eggs and are thus considered full adults and contributing members to the species. They use the pronouns Kvirr / Kvee.   Unbirthed Owlin are those that have not yet laid any eggs and are thus considered only partial adults and not yet reaching their potential to the species. They use the pronounces Kvarr / Kvoo.

Relationship Ideals

Owlin do not perceive family as most species do and while children are aware of their parent they are raised equally by the entire nest. Owlin reproduction means that partners, either of the same or other species, may have complete or no awareness of their offspring and have an involvement in their lives determined by the Owlin parent. Where they wish to be more active they are often welcomed into the nest and serve as ambassadors between the Owlin and other communities while the offspring continue to be raised by the entirety of the Owlin society.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Owlin speak the Common tongue but prefer to speak Kocorai amongst themselves and other avian species. Common in their speech is often harsh and shriller than in the mouths of other mammalian mer. Many Owlin are fluent in multiple language as a result of their academic interests and consider literacy in at least the Elvish script.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Owlin enjoy close relations with the Aarakocra often sharing high up spaces in urban environments or aiding one another against other less civilised creatures of flight. Their shared language of Kocorai furthers this relationship though the Owlin are often considered far friendlier to other species.   Owlin also enjoy a kinship with the Kenku who they view as unfortunate kin cursed to live a life on the ground. Many Kenku serve as guards to passages up to or settlements around the base of Owlin nests and are rewarded with trips of flight by their Owlin allies.
Scientific Name
Sovok Atkev Itkikeg
90-110 years
Average Height
Geographic Distribution
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