Eetarlaë (ee-TAR-la-eh)

Capital of the elven kingdom Nemar.


Elves make up the vast majority of the city's population. Gnomes and Tabaxi also live here. Humans, Dwarves and Halflings are very rare and usually met with distrust.


Eetarlaë's governance is led by the High Magistrate, who handles the city's day-to-day affairs. While the King personally enacts laws, the High Magistrate ensures their implementation. This dual structure ensures both wisdom and efficiency in rule.


3 sets of tall city walls form a formidable stationary defence. The outer wall protects anyone from the palace to the third district. The inner wall surrounds and protects the noble district specifically and the palace walls surround the palace. Along the walls are many watch towers at regular intervals and the walls are armed with ballistae.
The Royal Guard is comprised of elite soldiers who train for 100 years before joining their ranks. They serve the king and his family directly and are the only personnel allowed in the palace armed outside of the king and his family. Their only duty is to the royal family and they form the last line of defence. Among their ranks are also Royal Arcanists, who are trained in combat magic and a force to be reckoned with. Some of them train for centuries to be able to summon meteors and other forces of nature to easily match the force of entire batallions.
The City Guard is present in all districts inside the inner wall, except for the palace. They are comprised of trained and well-armed soldiers and regularly patrol the streets of the city. They stand guard at every city gate (inner and outer) and form the city's primary defence force.

Industry & Trade

The city's economy thrives on various industries, including enchanting, gem-cutting, magical research, and alchemical endeavors. Eetarlaë's enchanters are renowned for their mastery in imbuing objects with magical properties, attracting traders from across Aesen. Gem miners harvest precious stones from deep within the forest, while alchemists refine unique elixirs from rare herbs. The city's location at the crossroads of several trade routes ensures a constant flow of commerce and travelers.


Tall marble buildings with intricate golden ornaments and polished wooden framework set this city apart from its simple and close-to-nature surroundings. Arcanists live in towers, nobles in large estates and the king resides in the golden palace, which forms the majestic centerpiece of the city.


The city's districts are arranged in concentric circles, ordered from rich to poor from inward out.
  • The inner-most district is the palace, which is off-limits for anyone not directly related to the crown, royal guard, and palace staff. A special invitation signed and sealed by the King himself is required to enter the premises of the palace.
  • The second district is the noble district. The richest and most influential elven houses live here, sharing their space only with wizard's towers, and luxury shops, amenities and entertainment. At sundown, anyone who isn't a resident of this district is thrown out by the guards unless they have a special permit issued by the high magistrate.
  • The third district is made up of wealthy merchants and other business owners, as well as pricy restaurants, inns and shops including goldsmiths, jewellers, tailors and the like. Most temples also can be found here.
  • The fourth district is the largest and houses the middle-class citizens. Affordable taverns, inns and shops can be found here, as well as guild contacts, smithies, general stores, and anything else an adventurer could need.
  • The outside district encompasses anything that lies outside of the city walls and still belongs to the city. There are farms, low-income residences, wandering circuses and all kinds of low-density amenities, including cheap taverns, inns and stables. As it lies outside of city limits, guards rarely patrol through this area, making it relatively unsafe, although occasional shakedowns and guard raids are conducted to keep the criminal underground in check.

Guilds and Factions

Eetarlaë hosts several influential guilds and factions:  
  • The Enchanter's Circle: A prestigious guild of arcane artisans, enchanters, and spellcasters who dedicate their lives to imbuing objects with magical properties. They closely guard their secrets and wield considerable influence in the city.
  • The Forest Wardens: Comprising rangers, druids, and nature enthusiasts, this faction is dedicated to preserving the surrounding forest. They ensure sustainable harvesting of resources and protect the city from external threats like marauding monsters and poachers.
  • The Moonshadow Collective: An elusive group of skilled rogues, often regarded with mixed feelings. While they maintain an uneasy alliance with the city's authorities to protect Eetarlaë's interests, they also have a reputation for clandestine activities that further their own objectives.

Points of interest

  • The Golden Palace: The crown jewel of Eetarlaë, the Golden Palace stands as a testament to elven craftsmanship. Its ornate halls and chambers hold not only the royal family but also priceless relics and magical artifacts.
  • The Elarael Library: A vast repository of knowledge, this library houses ancient tomes, scrolls, and magical texts. Scholars from across Aesen journey to Eetarlaë to study within its hallowed halls.
  • The Verdant Conservatory: A botanical wonder, this sprawling garden is known for its rare and exotic flora. Its enchanted flora emits radiant, calming energy that draws visitors seeking solace and inspiration.
  • The Ethereal Nexus: A tower of magical research, the Ethereal Nexus is home to the city's most brilliant mages and scholars.
  • The Starfall Observatory: A center for celestial study, this observatory allows astronomers to chart the night sky and predict celestial events. Its location away from the city's lights ensures clear views of the stars.
Alternative Name(s)
Golden City
Inhabitant Demonym
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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