
The elven kingdom on the west coast of Aesen.

Demography and Population

Nemar is mostly inhabited by High Elves, followed by Wood Elves, who live in smaller communities in the forests around Eetarlaë. Many Gnomes, Tabaxi and some Aarakocra also call the beautiful landscapes of Nemar their home.


The elven kingdom spans a rather small area, with only 2 major settlements within its borders. The Elves don't really concern themselves with expansion of their influence and that reflects in the territories they hold. Most of their lands encompasses the tall forests around Eetarlaë, surrounded by the mountains in the south, the coastline to the west, the farm fields of Wonder's Landing to the north and a large lake to the east.


Despite its small area and few noteworthy settlements, Nemar has a formidable military force, that could even take it up with their human neighbours if need be.   The Royal Guard in Eetarlaë is comprised of elite warriors, who have trained for centuries and powerful arcanists capable of summoning the most ferocious forces of nature with a quick incantation. The Eetarlaë Guard makes up the biggest number of trained and conscripted soldiers in active duty. Their numbers might not be nearly as big as those of Gilaphos, but their long lifespan grants them the advantage in combat experience. Most guardsmen and -women have fought in the great war and many have lived for centuries before that. They have fought enemy forces who outnumbered them before and are more than capable of doing so again if need be. Also, thanks to an Elf's long lifespan, most of them pick up combat skills at some point in their lifetime, making every citizen of Neimar a potential war asset. The art of war is just that - an art form. And like all art forms, it is part of an age old tradition, which is passed on from generation to generation and refined over the milennia.


The Elves of Nemar worship a selection of Elven deities. Their domains mostly revolve around nature and magic, just as the age-old elven traditions do.

Foreign Relations


Nemar has tense relations with their human neighbors in Gilaphos. The high elves feel like, after the great war, the humans grew their territories too quickly. Humans in general are seen as too rash in their decisions, lacking in the necessary experience that comes with an Elf's long lifespan. This stance is also reflected in political conversations, where the Elves usually dismiss most of the humans' decisions and requests out of hand.  


Dwarves and Elves have an ancient feud with one another. Both have been around the longest in Aesen and have "enjoyed" the company of the other for milennia. For many generations before the great war, the dwarves and the elves just tried to ignore the other while dealing with their own problems. The elves simply think the dwarves lack in elegance and appreciation for the beauty of nature. Dwarven machinery and architecture to them is nothing more than noisy, bulky and wasteful, just like the Dwarves themselves. Because of this, the elves don't really engage in any political intercourse with dwarven kingdoms. Even during the great war, the elves focussed on defending their own people and traditions against the orcish hordes and refused to send any troops north to help the dwarven frontline against their aggressors in the mountains of Khaldûr.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Leader Title
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Legislative Body
The King writes and passes laws.
Judicial Body
The High Magistrate of Eetarlaë acts as the judicial body for most affairs. In some specific high-profile cases, the King gets involved. Ultimately, the King's judgement rules.
Executive Body
Guards in all of the kingdom's settlements enforce the laws.
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Related Species



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