
A bustling town nestled in the embrace of the Calamor River, stands as a testament to the harmonious coexistence of industry, nature, and tradition. With a population numbering in the thousands, Galanthyr's charm is not only in its scenic location but also in the rich tapestry of its livelihoods and cultures.


Galanthyr boasts a local militia ensuring the safety of its citizens. While the town is generally secure, the presence of guards attests to the commitment to maintaining order and harmony. Guardians of Galanthyr are adorned with the crests of both Eternos and the town. The town, relatively low in crime, maintains its tranquil atmosphere.

Industry & Trade

Renowned for its high-quality bakery goods and traditional craftsmanship, Galanthyr's industries thrive on ingredients sourced from Eternos. Bakeries, mills, and vintners are celebrated not only locally but throughout the Kingdom of Gilaphos.


The southern district, predominantly residential, is the heartbeat of Galanthyr's community.

Guilds and Factions

In the northern district, representatives of both the Adventurer's Guild and the Artisan's Guild stand ready to welcome those seeking adventure or aiming to contribute their craft to the town's legacy.

Points of interest

  • Calamor Promenade: Along the northern riverside, a meticulously paved promenade hosts a vibrant market and various shops. Water mills intermittently interrupt this idyllic stretch, and at its heart lies a well-adorned town square. A flight of stairs leads to the elegant Church of Luna, casting silvery moonlight upon the Calamor during clear nights.
  • Bridges: Two bridges elegantly connect the northern commercial hub, focused on industry and tourism, to the residential southern district. Some inns and taverns grace the southern riverside, offering a serene view of the flowing Calamor.
  • Underlining the town's mystical charm is the Church of Luna. Its silvery facade, reflecting moonlight, enhances the enchanting aura that pervades the Calamor Promenade, making Galanthyr a beacon of tranquility in the Calamor Valley.


The town is cradled within the curves of the Calamor River, a crystalline waterway originating from the Khaldûr Mountains. This river not only provides a stunning backdrop but is also the lifeblood of Galanthyr, sustaining the numerous bakeries, mills, vintners, and juice makers that have earned regional acclaim.
Large town
Inhabitant Demonym
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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