House Thundralin

The Dukes of Eternos most known for their initiative in preserving the beauty of nature in Eternos and furthering the region's agriculture.


  • Nature-Loving: The Thundralin family has a strong affinity for nature and values the kingdom's rural areas. They are known for their sustainable farming practices and the conservation of the kingdom's natural beauty.
  • Agricultural Expertise: The Thundralins are renowned for their expertise in agriculture, producing the kingdom's finest crops and livestock. They have a reputation for hosting grand harvest festivals in Eternos, celebrating the region's bountiful harvests.
  • Humble Nobility: Unlike the ostentatious displays of wealth seen in other noble families, the Thundralins are known for their humility and dedication to the well-being of their subjects. They live in modest manors, preferring to invest in improving the lives of their people.
  • Hospitality: The Thundralins are famous for their hospitality and open-hearted nature. They are known to welcome travelers and common folk into their homes, often hosting communal feasts to promote unity among the kingdom's citizens.

Public Agenda

The Thundralins famously call themselves not just the rulers but also the protectors of the natural beauty of Eternos. They actively invest in agriculture and uphold laws and traditions dedicated to preserving the dense natural forests of the region. The Thundralins prioritize peaceful solutions to conflicts and are often mediators between the other two duke houses. They have a reputation for fairness and impartiality in their judgments.


The Thundralins have a tradition of skilled horsemanship and many Thundralin nobles are expert riders. They breed and train some of the kingdom's finest warhorses, known for their strength and loyalty. Their huge estate outside of Y'sanora doubles as a horse ranch, housing all kinds of breeds, which are family raised, trained and eventually sold at high prices to nobles, merchants and adventurers from all over Aesen.
Leader Title
Family Leader

Articles under House Thundralin


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