
Serpentgate stands as a formidable fortress nestled within the heart of the Serpent Wall, the imposing barrier separating the duchy of Eternos from the mountainous reaches of Khaldûr. As the primary gateway through this monumental structure, Serpentgate commands access to the lands beyond, ensuring the security of the region. Built upon a solid rock plateau overlooking the Calamor river, the fortress presents a daunting visage to any who would dare approach its gates. From its towering battlements to its sturdy stone walls, Serpentgate stands as a testament to the might of the Gilaphos kingdom and the vigilance of its defenders.

Purpose / Function

Serpentgate serves as the key checkpoint along the Serpent Wall, regulating passage between the duchy of Eternos and the mountainous lands beyond. Its strategic location ensures that all travelers, merchants, and armies must pass through its gates, allowing the kingdom to control access to its territories. Beyond its role as a guardian of borders, Serpentgate also functions as a military outpost and training ground for the Gilaphos kingdom's forces, providing a secure base of operations in the rugged terrain of the Serpent Wall.


Constructed in a high-medieval European style, Serpentgate boasts a commanding presence with its towering stone walls and stout fortifications. The fortress is situated atop a rocky plateau, accessible only via a stone structure leading up from the south. From the overhanging cliffs of the plateau, the Calamor river emerges, lending an ominous air to the fortress's appearance. Guard towers punctuate the walls, their battlements manned by vigilant sentries day and night. Within the fortress, barracks, armories, and training grounds stand ready to accommodate the needs of its defenders, ensuring that Serpentgate remains a stalwart bastion against any threat.


Serpentgate is fortified with an array of defenses designed to repel would-be invaders and maintain control over the surrounding lands. The fortress's northern wall stands 30 ft. tall, lined with battlements and watchtowers that offer commanding views of the surrounding terrain. Ballistae and machicolations provide additional firepower, while hoardings stand ready to be deployed in the event of a siege. Guards patrol the walls and towers at all times, ready to sound the alarm at the first sign of danger. With its stout defenses and strategic positioning, Serpentgate stands as an unyielding bulwark against any who would threaten the realm.
Owning Organization


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