King's Crown

King's Crown is the capital of Gilaphos. It is a large, bustling city with a big harbor and tall city walls.


King's Crown is mostly inhabited by humans and halflings, who together make up more than half of the city's population. Among the wealthier classes, especially in the nobility, many Tieflings can be found as well. Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes and other races from all across the continent also inhabit the city and can usually be found among the working class. Of course, all kinds of half breeds also call King's Crown their home.


Although King's Crown lies geographically within the Duchy of Gilaphos, the city is governed by the King or Queen themselves, supported by a Mayor who takes care of everyday matters.


King's Crown consists of 6 districts:
  • The Castle consists of a well-defended castle atop the northern hill of the city and the noble residences to the north-east.
  • The High Town district forms the primary noble district of the city within the walls, located in the northern part of the city, just south of the castle.
  • The Majors make up the bulk of the city, located at the center of the city within the city walls. All sorts of middle class citizens live there and most temples can be found in this district.
  • The Hill forms the southern-most district and can be considered the city slums. Most lower class citizens live there and guard presence is meager compared to the other districts.
  • The Harbor spans across the shore line of the city and consists mostly of docks, warehouses and marine businesses, but also contains a few resident houses. It lies outside of the city walls to the east of the Majors and the High Town.
  • The Crags are a collection of steep cliff islands just off the north-eastern shoreline of the city, accessible via rope bridges.


  • King's Crown
Inhabitant Demonym
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization

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