House Dundragon

The proud Dundragon family is one of the most respected household names in all of Gilaphos. They are the Dukes of Gilaphos.

Public Agenda

The Dundragons are known to represent the strength and virtues of just and charismatic nobles. They actively support and represent the military of Gilaphos, especially the Crown's Guard. Every family member becomes an officer within the ranks of the royal armies and trains to out-perform the average soldier.


Several War Ships, as well as mercenaries and royal troops are funded and cared for by the Dundragon family. Their family crest can be found on many sails and armors. Aside from the Dundragon Estate in King's Crown, they also own a few smaller estates all over Gilaphos, which they regularly rent out to private mercenary bands in their absence.


Seraphina Dundragon came from simple origins in King's Crown and became a war hero in the Great War. As a reward for her efforts, she was awarded the title of Duke, along with the duchy of Gilaphos to reign over. The title remained in the family and so did her legacy, which every family member proudly refers to and strives to live up to.
Leader Title
Family Leader
Controlled Territories

Articles under House Dundragon


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