High Magistrate

The High Magistrate is the bedrock of legal governance within the city of King's Crown and, by extension, the broader realm of Gilaphos. This venerable institution is tasked with the complex responsibilities of legislative deliberation, record-keeping, and the issuance of official documents. As you approach its imposing headquarters in the High Town, you are met with an air of solemnity and bureaucracy.

One of the High Magistrate's essential functions is conducting the census of King's Crown and managing extensive registers from across Gilaphos. Every birth, death, marriage, and property transaction is meticulously recorded, forming an indispensable repository of legal and demographic information.


The High Magistrate is overseen by a council of five esteemed legal scholars and experts known as the High Magisters. These individuals are appointed directly by the reigning monarch, Queen Isrora in the current era, based on their legal acumen and commitment to justice. A majority vote among the High Magisters can result in the passage of new laws or amendments.
Government, Leadership
Controlled Territories


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