
An order blessed by the god of justice, Juulantus dedicated to upholding just laws and enforcing them.

Tenets of Faith

A Justiciar is bound by the truth and sworn to uphold it. They simply can not lie.  
Justiciars uphold equality. All souls are of equal value and should thusly be judged and treated equally. Wealth, titles and fame mean nothing to a Justiciar. Rather, every soul is judged by their actions and reasons.  
A Justiciar's duty is to the law. As long as a local law doesn't contradict any of the other tenets, Justiciars have to abide by and enforce it.


To become a Justiciar means to leave behind all personal affairs. Your duty is to justice and justice alone. You're not just a priest of Juulantus, you're judge, jury and executioner blessed appointed by a higher power. Your word is law, as your word stays always true to justice.   A cleric or paladin of Juulantus can undergo the rite of judgement to become a Justiciar. As part of the rite, the individual forgoes their name and family ties, as well as any marital or romantic ties. They leave all mortal possession behind and have to prove their undivided loyalty to the upholding of justice everywhere before Juulantus. Should the god of justice deem their soul worthy, he blesses the person and bestows upon them the title of Justiciar along with a new name. From that point on, the Justiciar is entitled to enforce the law in Gilaphos, and widely respected by people everywhere who worship Juulantus.

Granted Divine Powers

Justiciars are blessed with absolute insight. They can tell when they're lied to. In addition, some seasoned Justiciars are capable of seeing magically invisible creatures and objects and perceive a shapeshifted creature's true form.
Religious, Holy Order
Notable Members


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