Linda Greenfield

Linda Greenfield

Linda, a wandering mercenary, is a gregarious and outgoing individual, often found in the bustling taverns and social gatherings of King's Crown. She enjoys sharing drinks and laughter with fellow patrons, readily engaging in conversation. Her infectious enthusiasm draws people to her, making her a beloved figure in the city's social scene.

Linda is known for her gregarious and approachable personality, a trait that sets her apart from many mercenaries. She possesses a quick wit and enjoys engaging in lively banter with those she meets in taverns and on her travels. Her easygoing demeanor often masks her shrewdness when it comes to assessing potential employers and sizing up her opponents. Linda's love for adventure and a good story often leads her to take on a wide variety of contracts, from monster hunting to escort missions.

Linda's expertise lies in her exceptional swordsmanship. She wields a pair of finely crafted swords with a grace and precision that few can match. Her combat skills are honed to near perfection, allowing her to face formidable opponents with confidence. She is a master of dual-wielding, seamlessly transitioning between offense and defense in the heat of battle.

Physical Description

Specialized Equipment

Linda's equipment is well-crafted and meticulously maintained. Her signature weapons are a pair of finely balanced swords, each with a keen edge capable of cutting through armor. She wears lightweight leather armor that provides protection without hindering her agility. Linda carries a variety of tools and supplies, including ropes, potions, and a trusty set of lockpicking tools, ensuring she's prepared for any situation.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born into relative obscurity, Linda's early life was unremarkable. She discovered her passion for combat and adventure at a young age, training tirelessly to become a formidable warrior. When she reached adulthood, she decided to strike out on her own, seeking a life of excitement and challenge. Her wanderlust led her to travel across Aesen, taking up mercenary work wherever she went. Linda's reputation as a skilled and reliable swordswoman quickly grew, earning her the respect of her peers in the world of freelance mercenaries.

Morality & Philosophy

Linda often works alone, preferring the freedom to choose her contracts and destinations. Her reputation as a solitary adventurer has led many to underestimate her, a mistake they rarely make twice. She frequents taverns and inns to gather information about potential job opportunities and enjoys sharing tales of her exploits with fellow patrons. When she accepts a contract, Linda approaches it with unwavering determination and a commitment to see it through to the end, ensuring her clients receive their money's worth.

While Linda is not bound by a strict code of conduct, she adheres to a personal sense of honor. She refuses contracts that involve harming innocent civilians or committing morally reprehensible acts. Linda takes pride in her professionalism, completing contracts with precision and integrity. Her reputation for fairness and reliability has earned her a loyal clientele among those in need of a skilled sword for hire.

Personality Characteristics


Linda's primary motivation is her unquenchable thirst for adventure. She revels in the thrill of the unknown and the satisfaction of a well-fought battle. Her love for stories and the camaraderie of fellow adventurers drive her to explore new lands and take on daring quests. While she may not be motivated by wealth, Linda understands the practicalities of her trade and ensures that her earnings sustain her nomadic lifestyle.

Vices & Personality flaws

Linda can't refuse a good pint or two. She overdoes it regularly and gets drunk real quick.


Contacts & Relations

Over the years, Linda has built a network of contacts and fellow adventurers who respect her skills and character. She maintains friendships with individuals she's met on her travels, and these connections occasionally lead to unexpected alliances on dangerous quests. Linda is also known to share her knowledge and combat expertise with promising young adventurers she encounters along the way, fostering a sense of camaraderie within the adventurer community.
Chaotic Good
dark green
Long brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
slight tan
170 cm
59 kg
Known Languages
Common, Draconic, Dwarvish

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